RatJoy.comCapOL Test

Mr. Wright

Full-Time Investor
(Player Last Active: March 6, 2015, 12:29 PM)

Level: Deity (Level 14)
Fame: Trivial (Level 10)
Networth: $4,137,856,607.89 ($4.13 B)
Cash: $4,137,856,607.89 ($4.13 B)
Age: 1199


Not much is known about Mr. Wright. He seemingly appeared on the business scene from thin air, one day starting a small company and the next day owning the Mega-Conglomerate eCorp. Through eCorp, Mr. Wright has been busy buying up evil corporations with the goal to one day own all the evil in the world. Mr. Wright gave up his evil ways and went back to a small orange farm in Clermont donating his 184P and collection of companies to the less fortunate.

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