George RR Martin
Full-Time Investor
(Player Last Active: January 17, 2014, 9:30 PM)
Level: Capitalist (Level 8)
Fame: Unnoticed (Level 8)
Networth: $4,395,456,722.62 ($4.39 B)
Cash: $4,395,456,722.62 ($4.39 B)
Age: 1189
Hello, I am New York Times best-selling author George RR Martin. You may know me from my epic fantasy series,
A Song of Ice and Fire and the HBO series based upon it,
Game of Thrones.
Robb Stark and his mother, Lady Catelyn, both die gruesomely in the third book, though I hope the sheer scale of
A Storm of Swords will necessitate splitting the content into two seasons of television. So fret not, loyal viewers, you should still have several years left in which to enjoy the adventures of Lord Stark and his mother.
This split will also give me additional time in which to blog about the New York Jets instead of writing subsequent volumes in the series. I'll be at Dragon*Con this year, as I am every year. Come say hi! If you're nubile enough, I'll hold your hand whether you want me to, or not.
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