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BTSM shares available and you don't have them!

David Donlon
RJ: Fenious Buttersmith

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There have been many millions of shares available for some time, while the price went from $8 - $140. If you had bought them, you would be rich rich rich!

But you didn't, did you?

No, you did not.

Well, now there are only 25.6 M shares left, and the price is about $10 off its peak. Whoever buys them will see an increase in their investment immediately.

Why should you buy them?

Duh. There's a $.50 dividend, that's why. Who doesn't need a source of steady income? Seriously, who doesn't?

And why should the robocitizens get it when you could?

I don't know. You should certainly not let them. But I don't know why you do the things you do. It makes me shake my head, quite frankly.

Tsk tsk.

I'm handing out free money and you won't take it. I'm beginning to have doubts about you.

Why are you still sitting there reading this? Go get those shares!

David Donlon
RJ: Fenious Buttersmith

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I has a sad because nobody likes my stinky shares.

David Donlon
RJ: Fenious Buttersmith

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BTSM reached the obscene price of 520-ish per share and I sold it for 7.5 BILLION dollars. The company is loaded with value and just waiting for someone to take it over and continue. I'm going to be moving to the new server when it opens, so I will not be running the company after that, even if I'm left in charge of it (though why would I be? It makes no sense!)

If you had bought shares when I started asking you to, you'd STILL have a profit, even after I sold everything. And all that value is still in the company because I didn't change a thing other than sell my shares. If I weren't going to move to the new server, I'd have kept buying back the shares I sold before and raised the dividend even higher. The company is a cash machine!

I don't know why the company is worth so much compared to other, seemingly more successful companies, but here's my guess - I bought as much land as I could, because I noted that the stock price seemed to value land, even if it wasn't developed. I spent lavishly on R&D, because that too is valued. Then I kept as much cash on hand as I could.

There might be more to it, but that's all I can figure.
David Donlon
RJ: Fenious Buttersmith

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Now that Paco is in charge, I'm just going to park my money back in the company so he can have the value back. If anyone wants my shares, let me know and I'll sell them off again.

EDIT -- looks like there's a new (to me) function that makes the guy with the most shares chairman automatically because I became chairman again when I bought back into the company. Since I don't want to run the company, I've sold off enough shares to stop being the chairman.

Man, I lost billions of dollars doing all this nonsense.. shaking. my. head.

David Donlon
RJ: Fenious Buttersmith

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Well, that's a fine how do you do. While Paco was in charge, he bought 1,410,666 units of natural gas for $22 dollars a unit.

Then he sold off his shares and left me with the company again. Nice.

EDIT -- that doesn't appear to be all he did, because there's about 300M missing from the company coffers.

I bought some shares back and in the end I have wound up with more shares than I had this morning, and a company that will climb back up the stock charts again. So I guess I'm really only out the $300M, which I probably can recoup pretty quickly if I have a mind to.

You try to do something nice for someone and they just turn around and screw you. I'd wager Paco never saw this thread and figured I was up to something nefarious. I don't know what that would be given the way I lost several billion dollars of cash in the unfolding events..
David Donlon
RJ: Fenious Buttersmith

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I found the other way he got his money -- the company now has over 1G power and 1G water. So we bought power, water, and natural gas for around 300M or so. The prices on the power and water must have been .11, which is not outrageous, except that we produce our own and sell the overflow every day for about 15M cash selling at .10 and .06. I suppose I can get most of the value back from those items by reselling at a lower cost.

Why is it that the common MMO interaction around here involves screwing people? I'm really not interested in that. To my mind, the game is fine, but the player base.. is not full of the good hearted, to put it gently.
Paco Co
RJ: Mr. Costa
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Hi David, glad to see this post, soemone sentme a private msg pointing to it.
So here's what i see, i buy 6G's of BTSM only to find that shortly after you sell all your shares and i become chairman of the company (something i didnt want btw).
Only with this move i lost 2G's.

Next i find that your company has a crap production of random items a ton of research and in all a very bad company,i managed the production back to 24H and sold off my shares to get rid of the company.

BTW if you wanted me to be chairman at least you could have sent me a PM asking if i would want to, if you just sell ALL your shares i see that as a malicious move and act acordingly.


Ps: i even checked if i could run the company but thats just 2 much work with all those random items and crappy organization, if i were to keep the company i would sell almost everything and restart.
Paco Co
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Oh and btw it wasnt 2G's it was 3.5G's... so i really dont care if you "lost" 300M cash and got it in items.
David Donlon
RJ: Fenious Buttersmith

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I think you have to re-evaluate whether this "crap" company was really a crap company. It's been raking in the money. That it wasn't being run the way you wanted it to is neither here nor there against the fact that it was doing very well until you came along.

Your justifications amount to nothing as well -- you stole money from the company and dumped it, and you knew that you were doing that. That you felt justified doing so has no bearing on it - if this were "in real life" you could tell the prosecuting DA how justified you felt and see how much time off that would get you. I'd bet the answer would be not a single day.

To me the issue is intention. I was pretty clear about what I was doing in this thread, which was written before you did anything. So there is no doubting my motives after the fact. It's all right here. Your intentions seem pretty plain as well.

In truth, nobody is harmed because the company won't exist and it's only a game, etc., but there's a larger point that this game has been very good at exposing -- it attracts people who believe they are ends in themselves, and that their ideas and beliefs justify everything. I'm not exempting myself from this. It's an interesting social experiment and one day it might attract a researcher or two.

Rather than get all caught up in the meta-game that is suit and counter-suit, I'm just going to cash in and call it a day. I don't believe there is any way to "win" a game like this one. To win it, you have to lose something else.
Paco Co
RJ: Mr. Costa
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And tell me, you selling all your shares right after i bought them and making me chairman (something i didnt want to btw) is not dumping the company? to get you a lot of profit from the value i brought to the company?

and i didnt "steal" anything from the company, consider it more like a little compensation from the loss and trouble you caused me.

And lastly you didnt post anything here or sent me any msg about leaving the company and making me chairman.

You are lucky i didnt sell off everything and transfer all the money to my companies, you see making me chairman could have been a lot worse for that company so dont complain.

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