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Changing the update time?

Ham K
RJ: SoftThenRough
CO: Spartacus

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Hey I was wondering, is it possible to change the update time to be something less terrible for East coasters? Currently it is 4AM, which is terrible be quite a bit of stuff happens around update that I wish to do, but cant because of my actual life taking far more precedent.

I'm wondering, would it be cool to shift the update time 12 hours, so that it will be updating in the afternoon for east coasters and at noon for west coasters?
CEO Kogut
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*cough* Europe *cough*
eric scott
RJ: Erik Scott
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The world is round though... By changing for you you it causes the same problem to others

So who gets the golden time frame?
Billy Vierra
RJ: Saffrian
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It's actually started at 12:01am PST so 3am EST, however depending on where you are at on the list it may be later, I only signed up a few days ago and when its working correctly I get done at like 12:15am.

Btw Scott I figured what threw me off when looking at the time. I am former military and if I ever see 2 ':' I assume its civilian time automatically, when glancing I just dropped the first 2 0's. Military does it as hhmm:ss, I looked it up and I see science / engineering uses hh:mm:ss so it makes sense, I just didn't know that :)
Ham K
RJ: SoftThenRough
CO: Spartacus

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My post was wrong at 4am, I meant 3am EST =p

Well if changed by 12 hours, it would be like this:

Hawaii: 10am
West coast: Noon
East Coast: 3pm
Europe(France): 9pm
Middle East, Eastern Europe (Moscow, Tehran): 11-12pm

I didnt just arbitrarily throw out a number; changing by 12 hours would put the update in the afternoon for EVERYONE in the North/South American continents, ALL of Europe, and Africa, the losers here would be Australia and Asia. Getting 4 out of the 6 continents (excluding Antarctica for obvious reasons) to update during the afternoon would be a great way to go about it in my mind.
Roald Adriaansen
RJ: Wuvil
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Why on earth would you want update to be in what is prime time for every game in the world practically...
Scott (Admin)
RJ: Ratan Joyce
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Why on earth would you want update to be in what is prime time for every game in the world practically...

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

The updater is at 1 minute past midnight because it uses data from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 from the previous day, but given the problem it had created in the past two days I think the database needs a major overhaul to gain even more efficiency. When that happens the best time to me would be 9 P.M. on West Coast so I can fix any problems that may arise on the same night. Of course, it'll be after we move to the new server.

Hawaii: 6 P.M.
US West Coast: 9 P.M.
US East Coast: 12 Midnight
England: 5 A.M.
France/Egypt: 6 A.M.
Moscow: 8 A.M.
China: 12 Noon

...quite a bit of stuff happens around update that I wish to do...

Any specifics? If possible I can always distribute those multiple times throughout the day.
Roald Adriaansen
RJ: Wuvil
CO: Wuvil

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That was in regards to the suggested time Scott.

The current update time is very good for me as It's early in the morning here. (Europe)

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