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Contest 2 - News (Ended)

Scott (Admin)
RJ: Ratan Joyce
CO: Ratan Joyce

Post Rating: 0
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Total Posts: 1175
Karma: 5083
Joined: Jan 13, 2012
I just realized the potential of the news system.

Now we have world news, player news, and company news, and there is also the possibility to change company/player stats, price_multiplier for each category, import/export prices, and a bunch of others.

The only problem is I don't have any news written.

If you have any great ideas, feel free to message me in-game (Ratan Joyce of Rat & Joy Co.), or post here in this thread.

Submit your news item in the following format:
Scope (World/Company/Player)
Message (Your News Message)
Effect (+/- $, +/- warehouse item, gain research, adjust import/export price multiplier, adjust category sales price multiplier, ...)

Scope: Player
Message: It's your birthday today, and as your birthday present you have received a Rubber Duck, quack quack!
Effect: If player has an active company, +1 Q30 rubber duck to company warehouse, otherwise +$15 to player cash.

1st place: 1000 influence
2nd place: 500 influence
3rd place: 250 influence
4th-10th: 100 influence

2012-02-26 6:00 P.M. Server Time
Dani Jonker
RJ: Darkdani51
CO: darkdani51

Post Rating: 0
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Total Posts: 34
Karma: 186
Joined: Jan 14, 2012
You earned a total of 100 million money, as bonus you get 250 million water!
Walter Yorkshire
RJ: Walter Yorkshire
CO: Walter Yorkshire

Post Rating: 0
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Total Posts: 132
Karma: 379
Joined: Feb 5, 2012
Scope: World
Message: (Country) has recently advertised their (Category) range and the demand in their products and look alikes has soared.
Effect: (country's Category Quality and higher) (Category) Store Sales greatly increases.

Scope: World
Message: After a recent batch of imported (Country) Accessories caused widespread rashes, demand in their products and look alikes had dropped.
Effect: (country's Category Quality and lower) (Category) Store Sales greatly decreases

Scope: World
Message: The Invisible Hand has recently smuggled (Category) from (Country)and have started selling it cheap.
Effect: (country's Category Quality) (Category) availavle on B2B Market for cheaper than importing

Scope: World
Message: With a shipment of (category) from (country) hijacked by the Invisible Hand, prices for thier products has soared.
Effect: (country) (Category) import price doubled.

Scope: World
Message: A recent drought has seen food prices soar
Effect: All food products price increased

Scope: Company
Message: Your company has been taxed
Effect: Pay (1-3%) of your company's networth in tax

Scope: Company
Message: (Country) has embargoed your company after a dispute over prices.
Effect: You may no longer export or import from (Country) for (1-3) days

Scope: Company
Message: (Country) has struck a deal with your company.
Effect: Your import prices from (Country) are lower and your export prices from (Country) are higher for (1-3) days

Scope: Company
Message: A major breakthrough has been achieved in (product)
Effect: Research in the (product) is increased by (1-3)

Scope: Company
Message: Your accountant has messed up the numbers and you actually have less money than you thought
Effect: Your company's cash on hand is reduced by (5-15%) and your accountant has been fired

Scope: Company
Message: Your accountant has messed up the numbers and you actually have more money than you thought
Effect: Your company's cash on hand is increased by (5-15%) and your accountant has had his pay lowered for making the mistake in the first place

Scope: Company
Message: Some of your warehouse items has been seized after it was suspected they were smuggled goods.
Effect: Lose (5-15%) of (1-6) of your warehouse items

Scope: Company
Message: It seems that a mistake in inventory count has left you with more items than you thought you had.
Effect: Gain (5-15%) of (1-3) of your warehouse items
Scott (Admin)
RJ: Ratan Joyce
CO: Ratan Joyce

Post Rating: 0
+ / -

Total Posts: 1175
Karma: 5083
Joined: Jan 13, 2012
Winner announcement...

Gawd you are making it hard for me, except for Dani.

Participation reward (not on the list) winner:

Dani Jonker

Reason: Unacceptable format
Reward: 50 influence points - please do a better job next time.

1st Place Winners:

Walter Yorkshire
Garry Hurst

Reason: Both submitted 10+ acceptable entries with details, one on forum, one in pm
Reward*: 1000 influence points + 500 bonus points+ 250 bonus points + 100 * 10 bonus points

*Bonus points are awarded because of lack of 2nd-10th place winners. The two 1st place winners will share the net reward of 2750 points -> 1375 points ea.

This thread has been archived and is closed to new comments.