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Crazy Mattress vs Persons Unknown

Ay Vee
RJ: Ay Vee

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In the Matter Of: Crazy Mattress vs Persons Unknown

Plaintiff alledges that persons unknown John Doe 1, John Doe 2, John Doe 3, and John Doe 4 used the B2B market to transfer assets from the publicly listed company Crazy Mattress (GOONIES) between 0626 and 0654 server time on April 21st.

John Doe 1- CEO of Smith CC at 0626 server time on April 21st (Possibly Joeseph Smith)
John Doe 2- CEO of Robust Investments circa 0654 server time on April 21st (Edit: 4/22@1521: Identified as Hector Molina)
John Doe 3- CEO of Aperture Science at 0649 server time on April 21st
John Doe 4- CEO of Crazy Mattress during the time period in question

Damages sought:
Jail Time for John Does 1-4
From John Doe 1: Fair Market value of 25 Vans, and 12,222 monitors.
From John Doe 2: $2.7M, plus Fair Market Value of 47 Trucks, 27 SUVs, 102 Motorcycles, 1358 Monitors, 1000 Digital Cameras, and 121 Cars
From John Doe 3: Fair Market value of 62 Car Bodies
From John Doe 4: $37M

Standing to sue:
I, Ay Vee, am the current Chair and CEO of Crazy Mattress, having acquired more than 50% of the company on the open market.

Specification against John Doe 1:
Between 06:20:17 and 06:20:21 John Doe 4 sold many thousands of units of high value items to Smith CC for a unit price of $1 each. John Doe 4 then bought back from Smith CC most but not all of the same items at the same price, leaving Crazy Mattress inventories short 12,222 Monitors and 25 Vans compared to the time immediately prior to the transactions.

Sales: Qty Unit Pr Total Counter Party Time Stamp
Van 19 $1.00 $19.00 Smith CC 06:20:21
Truck 47 $1.00 $47.00 Smith CC 06:20:20
SUV 27 $1.00 $27.00 Smith CC 06:20:19
Monitor 13580 $1.00 $13,580.00 Smith CC 06:20:18
Motorcycle 102 $1.00 $102.00 Smith CC 06:20:18
Digital Camera 1000 $1.00 $1,000.00 Smith CC 06:20:17
Car 121 $1.00 $121.00 Smith CC 06:17:03

Truck 47 $1.00 $47.00 Smith CC 06:26:12
SUV 27 $1.00 $27.00 Smith CC 06:26:11
Motorcycle 102 $1.00 $102.00 Smith CC 06:26:10
Monitor 1358 $1.00 $1,358.00 Smith CC 06:26:09
Digital Camera 1000 $1.00 $1,000.00 Smith CC 06:26:08
Car 121 $1.00 $121.00 Smith CC 06:26:08

Specification against John Doe 2:
From 0647 to 0651 on April 21st, John Doe 4 sold to Robust investment sold many thousands of units of high value items to Robust Investments for a unit price of $1 each. John Doe 4 then proceded to buy 10,000 units of overpriced beer from Robust Investments.

Digital Camera 1043 $1.00 $1,043.00 Robust Investments 06:50:33
Wheel 4524 $1.00 $4,524.00 Robust Investments 06:50:22
Truck Body 40 $1.00 $40.00 Robust Investments 06:50:03
Truck 47 $1.00 $47.00 Robust Investments 06:49:59
SUV 27 $1.00 $27.00 Robust Investments 06:49:49
SUV Body 72 $1.00 $72.00 Robust Investments 06:49:48
Seats 5804 $1.00 $5,804.00 Robust Investments 06:49:40
Motorcycle Body 35 $1.00 $35.00 Robust Investments 06:49:34
Motorcycle 102 $1.00 $102.00 Robust Investments 06:49:30
Monitor 1358 $1.00 $1,358.00 Robust Investments 06:49:23
Electricity 10000 $1.00 $10,000.00 Robust Investments 06:49:18
Car 121 $1.00 $121.00 Robust Investments 06:47:52

Beer 10000 $420.00 $4,200,000.00 Robust Investments 06:54:07

The loss incurred due to the Beer was offset in part by the next CEO purchasing the beer still overpriced in an attempt to save the company. Accordingly, only 2.7m in damages for the beer are sought.

Beer 10000 $150.00 $1,500,000.00 Standard Lemons 07:30:46

Specification Against John Doe 3:
At 0649 on April 21st, John Doe 4 sold to Aperture Science 62 car bodies for a unit price of $1.00 each.

Car Body 62 $1.00 $62.00 Aperture Science 06:49:05

Specification against John Doe 4:
John Doe 4 was CEO and/or chariman of Crazy Mattress during the time of the transactions in questions. On exiting the company he destroyed all buildings, leaving the follow on CEO (MarcAFK) with an empty shell that had no assets and a $37m loan. I am asking for the loan to be made his personal liability, so that reconstruction efforts may procede.

John Doe 4's actions were deliberately designed to avoid export price over-rides and provide his compatriots with the maximum return for their dishonesty.

Submitted in accordance with Esconian custom.
George Melons
RJ: Albert Rubin

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As chairman of Robust Investments, I officially claim that neither me or the current CEO were in any sort of way related to the actions found in this lawsuit. I am fully capable of providing proof and will do so upon request.

I thereby blame all actions detailed in the above post, at least in the contest of Robust Investments, on Hector Molina - who I have determined to be the previous owner of the company,

Since our company has already been fined by the Econosian government for any fraud commited before I became chairman, I declare that we will not pay a cent - and in fact, unless an apology to the claim that our company is ruled by thieves is received, we may consider filing a counter-lawsuit under slander and related damage to stock value. The recent market instability hasn't garnered us many investors and these claims will certainly not help the cause.
Ay Vee
RJ: Ay Vee

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We are aware of the change in ownership of Robust Investments, which is why we specified that we are seeking damages from the person who was CEO/Chair at the time of the transactions. We do not believe you or your associated companies are a party to this suit at all.

Thank you for identifying John Doe 2.

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