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Kathleen Agustin
RJ: Kate A.

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Total Posts: 1
Karma: 10
Joined: May 7, 2013

I've been playing since a couple of months ago. I really enjoyed the game, however, when I started to decide to contact some of the players so that we could have an engagement on having supplier-buyer relationship, I thought that it would be risky or it would cause a hassle to post my supply in the b2b market. I treat that posting of my supply in the b2b market as a risk because having a contract with another player should have credibility. If I post my listing in the b2b market and the case would be a third party would see it and then buy it instantly, [unknowingly that it is intended for my partner], then the credibility of my transaction would be tainted because my partner may think that I wasn't able to fulfill our contract.

I treat that asking my partner to post a request would be hassle because for me as well as to my partner to be able to fulfill his/her requirements, I first have to browse through the tabs before I could get into his/her request.

With these comments, I suggest that this game should have a button/tab that would function as a direct link in order to supply my partner. Once I have him/her on my contacts, then I could just click his/her name and give him/her the supply that he/she needs.

Thank you for your time reading this. I hope you would this request a chance to be put into reality as I believe that, it is not only me who have dealt in into contracts. This suggestion aims for the welfare of the whole Econosia. :)

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