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Dividends Confusion

billy bob
RJ: Billy Bob
CO: Billy Bob

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Over the last 3 days my company has paid the same exact amount in dividens, but I'm certain that a different number of shares has been owned on each day, so are didvidends paid even to un-owned shares? If so is this a bug, or intentional?
Josh Millard
RJ: Tex Corman
CO: J. Quaff Arabica

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Joined: Apr 3, 2012
Dividends are paid to all shares. Unowned shares are actually owned by very low-engagement roboshareholders, who are always willing to sell their shares to players at the current market price.

So the more unowned shares you have, the more money escapes into the roboconsumer economy when you issue a dividend. I prefer to think that those Econosians take their dividend money and go spend it in the retail market, though I don't know that there's any actual closed loop in the economic model representing that dynamic.

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