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zxektok megatron
RJ: zxektok

Post Rating: 3
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Total Posts: 140
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Joined: Mar 6, 2012
I dont know if you want to introduce this but it would be a total laugh
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Economy of Scale drug I was thinking something like

Econcaine A (maybe add a B later) either grown in plantation/mine and is processed. (2 step process)

You can only export it but the export price varies wildly on a day to day basis
3x cost - 20xtimes cost (i.e high profit)

CATCH - some random time during the week (maybe even twice) there is a drugs bust-> Econsia Police? . IF ANY IS FOUND ON THE MARKET OR IN WAREHOUSE THEN THAT COMPANY PAYS FINE OF 10% of companies networth.

Point = fun
if stock is in warehouse and export is only 3x value ->player might wish to wait for next day

it wouldnt be useful for mass producing as you would get caught
would help little people get money quickly whereas big companies probably wouldnt gamble or black market with a small company for that purpose.

anyway it was a thought that popped into my head.
Scott (Admin)
RJ: Ratan Joyce
CO: Ratan Joyce

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Joined: Jan 13, 2012
Sounds fun, and sounded like a much better gambling idea than just gambling itself.
zxektok megatron
RJ: zxektok

Post Rating: 0
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Total Posts: 140
Karma: 170
Joined: Mar 6, 2012
Arigon wanted to make an AK-47
so the police idea would still work with illegal weapons too

infact there is your category right there "illegal"

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