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Electricity Supply Pledge

Ibrahim Arief
CO: Sangkuriang

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So Vance appears to be throwing some mayhem again in the B2B market, buying electricity at any prices and selling them again at a very low price. Unfortunately, someone siphoned his first batch almost immediately, but I managed to pick up the second batch of 3.8 billion units.

I have gained enough profit from his scheme, and his antics are starting to erode the fun from the game, so I'm pledging all those electricity to be sold at $0.07 per unit. (The regular price before all these mayhem occurred)

To prevent some scrupulous individual from buying up all the electricity that I pledged from the B2B market, I will only supply the B2B requests. I encourage big players to do the same thing to help leveling the playing field for smaller players. Players faced with electricity supply issues should:

  1. Put a B2B request for electricity, priced at $0.07 per unit.

  2. Set the units to purchase to your daily requirement, not unlimited. Unlimited requests should not be honored, there's enough electricity to satisfy everyone's need, but not enough to satisfy everyone's greed.

  3. Players caught re-selling the electricity should be blacklisted from receiving the pledge.

I am ramping up my own electricity production, and I think I could supply about a billion unit per day in the near future. I don't have the same kind of capacity for waters, but I encourage big water suppliers to come up with their desired price point and use the above procedure to determine whom he or she should supply the water to.

Hopefully, with enough elements of the market banding together, Vance would soon lose interest and stop the speculation on the market.
John Cook
CO: The Monopoly Guy

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I can offer a few hundred million units of water every 24h and a bit less electricity to any small company in dire need for $0.07 a unit.
Edwin Quintanilla
RJ: EdqMaster
CO: Edqmaster

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I pledge to help water or electricity
Jayle Trigger
RJ: Berry Punch
CO: Applejack

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I pledge to not give in to the demands of the companies holding the huge stockpiles of water and electricity hostage. Paying the ransom would only encourage them to continue taking hostages and demanding even bigger ransoms.
Sweet Apple Acres does not do business with terrorists.
Mike Barnett
RJ: D.Knell
CO: Angelo Mysterioso

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Nov 1, 2013
10:14 PM Robber Barron bought 1000000000 units of Water from your company for a total of $133,000,000.00 after commission.
Nov 1, 2013
10:14 PM Robber Barron bought 8000000000 units of Electricity from your company for a total of $1,064,000,000.00 after commission.

i'm putting that much out there about every 36 hours. maybe i need to get serious here and start making some real quantities.

oh, and if i could sell it for triple that price, i'd do it in a heartbeat. i'm not a philanthropist. if you want .05 water and electricity, visit one of my companies on the test server. i
Jayle Trigger
RJ: Berry Punch
CO: Applejack

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This is purely voluntary ya know... and noone here is asking anyone to put utilities up at 0.05, you are the one that decided people here are.
Mike Barnett
RJ: D.Knell
CO: Angelo Mysterioso

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it's because that's what they should be selling for. i can sell for that and still double up, with a decent sized company. within a month, i'll have a decent sized company to the 10th power. and maybe i will be a philanthropist, and sell for that. in fact. i'm starting right now. electricity and water for .05. first come, first served.
Jayle Trigger
RJ: Berry Punch
CO: Applejack

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Meh... market/moving price, before this whole debacle was hovering around/above 0.07... but sure. do as you like.
Ibrahim Arief
CO: Sangkuriang

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I just posted 66 billion electricity at $0.10 per unit. I hope it would be enough to stabilize the market for a while. Vance seems to be inactive for the past week too, so the storm might be over for now.

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