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Functioning with multiple divisions.

Aaron Szerletich
RJ: Swizzle
CO: A Letich

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Joined: Sep 12, 2013
How do you have it set up? I'll use my own situation as a frame of reference here. Right now, I have a business that is producing natural resources. I have two mines, two wells, a power plant, a smelter, prospector R&D, and Industrial R&D. I plan on expanding to include a lumber camp, paper plant, furniture factory, appliance factory, and petrochemical plant (at the very least).

Is it in my best interest to maintain one company that produces raw materials for my other companies and b2b sales, another company for manufacture, and a final company(s) for retail? OR is it better to have one that focuses on producing metal, converting it into appliances, and retailing, sending resources to parallel divisions as needed? My concern is less to do with efficiency and more to do with fame and its affect on retailing.

TL;DR Branch divisions or run parallel cooperative companies.
Huginn penis
RJ: Kou Ichinomiya
CO: Huginn RollbackRequester

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Joined: Apr 18, 2012
It totally depends on preferences i.m.o. Since you describe your concern lies with fame and retailing I'd say this is especially true for you.

No matter what setup you use there are multiple quest types:
b2b sales
store sales
company growth
might have missed one but you get the point.

This makes it so that no matter what strategy you choose to handle you can always get fame.
For me the put everything in one company strategy has worked out very well (as seen in CO rankings) But it has it's cons which I'll list below for example:Fluffy flight opted for a different approach, he make a company for raw materials and b2b, and one for manufacturing/sales. This allows him to handle lower prices and have more products to sell (which only seems to be a problem with aircraft in my experience)

The pros:
You don't rely on b2b or others
You only need one company
You can do all the quest types so if you're active enough you will get more fame.
For me it's more fun to play this way since it grants you more decisions to make.

You produce less
You will end up with smaller stores
You might have trouble balancing the factory size/amount and factory store ratio.
Less straight forward

If you opt to go with multiple companies in one branch I strongly suggest not using 3 companies for this as you describe. One for materials/r&d and one for production/stores/r&d is more than enough. This setup will give you more materials than you need though so you can sell some more on the b2b. This also will probably make you overproduce so keep an eye out for lowering prices and advertising in stores.

When you use 3 companies in one branch it will probably be worse:
-very hard to get off the ground
-lot's of quests you simply can't complete
-leaves you with even more overproduction

Quite the write up, hope this helps!

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