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Control Volume
RJ: ControlVolume
CO: Control Volume

Post Rating: 14
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Total Posts: 43
Karma: 122
Joined: Mar 31, 2012
We here at GO SUCK AN EGG hate you. Yes you, the person reading the screen. I hate you, personally, and I hope every single one of you you fall off a cliff and die.

Let me tell you about eggs. Let me tell you about some mother****ing eggs. I had to buy eggs off the B2B once. They were like $3 for a q0 egg or some other ridiculously expensive price. Well guess what? You don't get to sell eggs anymore. I am going to be producing and selling a ridiculous amount of eggs each day, more than the daily demand for them, at the highest quality currently researched and at one cent higher than export prices. You will never make a profit off of eggs, you will never be able to sell eggs, I will personally guarantee that the flow of eggs will not stop until the egg market is destroyed. This is the eggpocalypse, the reggkoning, and a variety of other egg related puns. Furthermore, **** you.
David Donlon
RJ: Fenious Buttersmith

Post Rating: 0
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Total Posts: 79
Karma: 53
Joined: Apr 10, 2012
I guess you found that strategy eggshausting?
David Archer
RJ: BallC
CO: BallC

Post Rating: 0
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Total Posts: 142
Karma: 135
Joined: Apr 11, 2012
This post is eggcellent.
Andrew Naples
RJ: Clemen Salad
CO: Clemen

Post Rating: 0
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Total Posts: 214
Karma: 89
Joined: Apr 26, 2012
You seem eggasperated
David Archer
RJ: BallC
CO: BallC

Post Rating: 0
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Total Posts: 142
Karma: 135
Joined: Apr 11, 2012
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand then he ragequit. lol.
Sarah Palin
RJ: Vampire Sarah Palin

Post Rating: -4
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Joined: Apr 22, 2012
Ragequitting sounds like failure and ControlVolume never failed at anything or at anyone in his entire career here. Frustrated with Big Government's interference and peoples' tolerance of it, CV took his potential and entreprenuered it somewhere with bigger returns. Looking at this as a warning of his reinvestment, which went unheeded, it's clear the System ragequit on HIM.
Richard Ripberger
RJ: Rip
CO: Rip

Post Rating: 4
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Total Posts: 153
Karma: 78
Joined: Mar 28, 2012
A little egg on his face?

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