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Is there a Jeb

Edwin Quintanilla
RJ: EdqMaster
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Does this game have a Jeb?
Herb Derpman
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Nah, you want Kerbal Space Program for that.
Christopher Fowler
RJ: Kris Fallamos
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Either that or HellMOO, though I might be thinking Jed. I haven't played that game in a few days so I kind of forget.
M Burch
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What or who is a Jeb? The only Jeb I know found oil while he was shooting at some food.
Paul Jikanski
RJ: Paul Jikanski
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Same with bob... but it's Jed, just sayin'. I had to look it up lol.
Edwin Quintanilla
RJ: EdqMaster
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Jeb Like from Minecraft. Notch got tired of them gaem and wanted to move on so he got a back-end developer.

Paul Jikanski
RJ: Paul Jikanski
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Nope, there's just Scott and... Scott.

Maybe one day we will have a designated Jeb incase we end up with a Notch where Scott once was. Heh, punny...
Edwin Quintanilla
RJ: EdqMaster
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@Paul Jikaski There is two of them who is the other Scott.....-JK.

Well all I have to say is that If Scott is putting all his money and time into this project he is doing a good job. But I think he need to seek for some outside help to ease the burden on him. Maybe do a Kickstarter event or something.
Paul Jikanski
RJ: Paul Jikanski
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He might have a friend or two IRL that he consults with, but as far as I know he works on the game by himself. I think it's more of a hobby for him, just something he likes to do with his spare time. I agree, he's doing a great job, and someone to help him when/if he ever needs it wouldn't be a bad thing. It's easy to get burnt out.

From what I've read Kickstarter is a for-profit company with limited success chance of reaching your goal depending on whether your game gets featured or not, among other things. It would also bring deadlines, which from what I've noticed, Scott tries to avoid setting anything in stone. Which is often a good idea especially in a situation like this.
A cut of the money raised would go to the kickstarter company anyways.
I think Scott could get whatever funds he would need just by starting some sort of premium service or just by asking for donations. I'm sure a few people would throw their money his way instead of continuing to throw it at the wall. On a side note, I honestly don't think there would be enough people to back the game on kickstarter. According to http://digsitevalue.org/ this site only gets an average of 37 unique users per day making 666 pageviews, which would earn about $2 per day or less from advertisements if Scott put some ad space on the site. Not sure if kickstarter would even give the "greenlight" to start a funding campaign...

If any of that happened though, I think the game would change a lot from what it currently is, which might send a lot of players the other way. I'm happy where it is right now.

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