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Jury Wanted (Closed)

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Scott (Admin)
RJ: Ratan Joyce
CO: Ratan Joyce

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Send your applications here, salaries ($ and/or influence) will be given on a per case basis.

So many qualified candidates! I'll close this thread and make the decision around 4/24 6:00 P.M.

Edit 2:
Selection complete, all selected have been dragged into the new "company".
I'll work on the relevant functions tomorrow. (Time to Zzz)
John Doe
RJ: T-man
CO: T-man

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I have several experiences of law and am happy to act in a fair and unbiased manner in all current cases.
James Grey
RJ: Dairy Aire
CO: Dairy Aire

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Serge Devereux
RJ: Ted Crisp
CO: Ted Crisp

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After spending two hours in jail, I have changed inside. I have seen how my crimes have effected those around me. I could not be more sorry than I am and I only hope that one day I am forgiven by those honest and decent robot citizens.

As part of my attempt to gain forgiveness, I offer my services as a jurist. I am intimately familiar with the aspects of money laundering and stock fraud and as such I am a valuable asset in deciding the guilt of those accused of the same crimes.

-Ted Crisp
Kudaros Cornercutter
RJ: Kudaros

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I cannot believe that I am applying for jury duty but here I am.

Also, I received word by carrier pigeon today that Steve Jobz would like to be a juror. Although he is certainly unscrupulous in character (and his hair is always so disheveled - although I suppose that's as a candle is to the sun compared to his lust for liver and onions), I must give my warmest recommendations as he has obtained a high understanding of the system and its exploits (apparently!).

--Oh yeah and I havent committed any crimes myself (I dont think?)
Control Volume
RJ: ControlVolume
CO: Control Volume

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I have not committed any crimes yet, I'm pretty sure that makes me like one of two people so you should totally pick me.
address unknown
RJ: DropsySufferer

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After spending 3 hours in jail, I like Ted have become a changed man. I understand how my crimes have harmed those around me. Possibly shattering the lives of millions of robotic citizens with each pen-stroke.

In order to fulfill community service requirements I will apply for jury duty.
Ay Vee
RJ: Ay Vee

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Apply. I love the idea of an ingame court system.
Minwoo Hyeong
RJ: Dead Eyes

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Name: Hyeong "Dead Eyes" Minwoo*

Occupation: Completely average in every way, and certainly not biased*

Age: Middle*

Sex: Married, 1.5 children*

Race: N/A*

Notes: Politically speaking, Minwoo is a bit of a rarity since he lands on the right, left, and center of every single issue simultaneously. He is a kind father and looks after his children, and yet is stern enough to press charges if they break the law. He is known for working hard, being stern, knowing how to relax, and not let his temper get the best of him. He once saved all the kittens in a shelter during a fire but shoots his own meat. As a young boy he got his start in business by holding a fundraiser for a church in financial troubles. After the fundraiser he admitted to having been an atheist the entire time. Since he was immaculately conceived, he has never committed a single crime, or even thought of one.*

*This form was filled out by an attorney for Mr. Hyeong and therefore he is not liable for any inaccuracies found in this document. Legally speaking, this a pamphlet
Lao Ban Da
RJ: Garreth Macaron

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I am very interested to become a member of the jury of the exalted High Court of Econosia.

I offer my services on the basis of being an honest and upstanding citizen - all my transactions in Econosia so far have been legit and above-board. Still, I have managed to make a healthy profit (at least enough for a comfortable living), and am at heart a capitalist.

I believe I will be able to handle cases in a fair and even-handed manner.

Kind Regards,
Garreth Macaron
Nwabudike Morgan
RJ: CEO Nwabudike Morgan
CO: CEO Nwabudike Morgan

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I am an EOS billionaire who hasn't been in corporate jail. Also, I drive real estate demand and give robots fair employment.
Hyram Bedwetter
RJ: Hyram Bedwetter

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I have beheld many court proceedings in The Guild II and believe I'll make a good juryman on that fact alone.
Walter Yorkshire
RJ: Walter Yorkshire
CO: Walter Yorkshire

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Name: Walter Yorkshire
Rank: Industrialist

As I seek to have a fair and open market so that the economy can grow and flourish, I feel it is my duty to apply for a position as a jury. I feel that my fame and influence with benefit the court and that the public would not dare go against any ruling I would make.
Richard Ripberger
RJ: Rip
CO: Rip

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I would be happy to participate in the justice system as a juror assuming someone else has already been selected as executioner.

John Bouton
RJ: John Bouton

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I once saw several hours of a Law and Order marathon on TNT and thus I think that makes me qualified to sit in judgment over multi-million dollar lawsuits.
Ham K
RJ: SoftThenRough
CO: Spartacus

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I will give you $10M per case I get assigned, should be easy enough to see I'm the best choice!
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