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Howard Roark
RJ: Ragnar Danneskjold

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LATEST ‘SYSTEM FIX’ THREATENS TO STALL INNOVATION IN ECONOSIA! – Further government regulation eliminates R&D incentives.

In his latest move after returning from exile, Econosian Dictator Ratan Joyce, has eliminated the R&D subsidy on high quality researches. Formerly, the Quest Reward Funding Program (QRFP) was used to foster innovation and productivity and widely credited as the key driver behind the recent economic growth in Econosia.

The program, which provided lucrative R&D rewards, was designed to subsidize the cost of high quality (100+Q) research and provide an incentive for rapid and continued development. Now, the reward for research that will cost a manufacturer billions of dollars has been capped at $10,000 or the cost of a Roasted Chicken.

Business leaders are once again left scratching their heads over these recent developments. When asked about the move Ragnar Danneskjöld, EOS Business Magnate and Resident Old Timer had this to say, “As a proud Econosian who has enjoyed the higher living standards that result from an innovation driven economy, I am surprised and disappointed in the Government’s decision.”

In the past few years the Government has invested billions into R&D through the QFRP and as a result Econosia has seen a steady increase in the world average quality of its products. Increased competition and productivity has meant Econosians are now paying the lowest price per quality in the country’s history.

Without a meaningful incentive for innovation, one is left wondering if private enterprise will continue to see Econosia as an attractive environment for capital investment and many are fearing a return to the dreaded tyranny of The Great Purge by The Court of Econosia.
Herb Derpman
RJ: Herb Derpman
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What really needs to be changed is the effect fame has on net worth.

Researching one high level technology for a quest could give you hundreds of millions, or even billions of net worth, which just doesn't make any sense.

I know this has been nerfed now since tech quests don't give you a crap ton of fame anymore, but now all the people who have racked up billions or even trillions of net worth through research quests will never be caught up to by anyone who didn't also get to take advantage of this.
Paul Jikanski
RJ: Paul Jikanski
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I do believe that, along with the update/change, that net worths are being adjusted accordingly along with fame level.
Howard Roark
RJ: Ragnar Danneskjold

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At least bring back the cash reward or there is no incentive to keep researching at high quality levels. When it costs billions for next level research and only drives a slight increase in sales the ROI is not there to keep researching. The big cash rewards that came with R&D quests were fun to achieve and encouraged continuous R&D.

Stop handicapping the larger corporations in favour of letting smaller ones play catch up. I have several companies, some large and some small, some have higher quality products than others but they are all able to make money and grow. There needs to be something in this game for the 'vetrans' to want to keep playing.
Scott (Admin)
RJ: Ratan Joyce
CO: Ratan Joyce

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No need for the all caps.

The cash reward is intended to be 10% of the cost, and is set accordingly for new quests.

Unfortunately the way it WAS set the rewards did not scale with cost, and at sufficiently high levels you'd get cash rewards enough to "subsidize" 20 levels of research WITH immediate outsourcing.

That $10000 is a mistake on my part, so I'll drop the old quests and give quest credit instead.
dan bra
RJ: King

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i was wondering, if the top research (and the average quality of products in stores) gonna keep getting higher and higher eventually, how would starting player be able to sell anything at stores at all (because of the 2% per quality effect)?

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