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NEW STORE TYPE: Consumer Bank (or 'Savings and Loan')

Shan Van
RJ: S. Wine
CO: Shan Van

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Joined: Apr 4, 2012
Off-the-wall suggestion here, maybe. But what if you added a new type of store?

The store type would be 'consumer bank', the R&D would be 'accounting firm', the products would be things like 'certificates of deposit' or 'savings accounts', and the factory would be the equivalent of a 'National Reserve satellite office'.

Consumer Bank owners borrow money from the Department of Treasury through the National Reserve satellite office at an initial rate, and then loan to the robo-shoppers at a higher rate, pocketing the profit.

As Consumer Banks are improved they can attract and handle an increased consumer customer base.

As National Reserve satellite offices are improved, the interest rate for borrowing is fractionally decreased and the more money the office is willing to lend the consumer bank. It also cuts down on the delay caused by the National Reserve doing its time-consuming "paperwork" prior to loan approval (in lieu of a 'wait time for production').

As the accounting firms are improved, they can increase the quality of the financial products faster. Increasing the quality of the financial products themselves allows a more beneficial interest rate to be charged (and tolerated by robo-shoppers).

Note: Consumer Banks are for robo-shoppers only! Players can't loan to other players/sock puppet accounts/themselves/etc., which will eliminate that sort of fraud.

Also, money borrowed through the Reserve can only be used by the consumer bank to make loans/pay interest/etc; players can't pocket the Reserve loan themselves or try to improve their facilities with the Reserve loan. They can only keep the money earned from interest. Loans to be spent on anything else can only come from the "City Bank" which is currently in-game.

That's all I've got for now. Just a thought.
Scott (Admin)
RJ: Ratan Joyce
CO: Ratan Joyce

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Thanks Shan, the player-owned banks will be here (as loan-providing banks to players and not stores to robo-shoppers). I've got some initial thoughts on them a few weeks ago, but they will only be implemented AFTER all existing bug fixes, exploit patching, and UI tweaks.
Shan Van
RJ: S. Wine
CO: Shan Van

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Total Posts: 18
Karma: 10
Joined: Apr 4, 2012
Interesting angle. Maybe you could use elements of both ideas.

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