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Product Cost Problem

Stéphane LeBlanc
RJ: Stephane
CO: Stephane

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Has anyone else noticed that the product costs that are shown when you produce an item are completely wrong?

For example, I have a factory making flour:

Uses 1.5 Wheat + .5 Electricity

My wheat cost is .60$ Ea. and my electricity is at .8 Ea. so just in material there is .98 in costs.

The cost is coming out to .56 in the listing.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is it true of other products as well?

Is it a glitch or is it that I am using less material than outline?

David Archer
RJ: BallC
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There is an EoS factor that reduces the amount of raw mats and money used when producing larger batches.

1M flour doesn't need 1.5M units of wheat and 0.5M units of electricity.
Paco Co
RJ: Mr. Costa
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I agree that the product cost should at least try to reflect company costs, like maintenance, salaries, taxes, etc

But having said this its probably a complex formula to achieve.

M Burch
RJ: Farmerbob
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Economy of Scale. The longer the production job and the larger the facility doing the producing, the lower the cost per unit will be.

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