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Proposal to stop fraud and litigation spam

Riloth Heldwall
RJ: Shadowy Mollusc

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I'm sure you are all aware of the dramatic rise in the past few days of the incidence of stock market fraud as well as accusations and lawsuits filed against various players. To deal with this problem, I suggest that a "conflict of interest policy" be implemented, disallowing any trade between companies controlled by the same player unless both companies are private.
Ay Vee
RJ: Ay Vee

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I disagree. Complexes of companies are good for the game, and blocking trade makes that much more difficult I don't think the litigation trend is a bad thing either. :)
Victoria Raverna
RJ: Victoria Raverna
CO: Victoria Raverna

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Conflict of interest policy isn't going to help much in the latest fraud since it involved multiple shell accounts.

Riloth Heldwall
RJ: Shadowy Mollusc

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@Ay Vee:
Complexes of private companies are fine, but complexes of public companies cause more potential problems than they solve. The very possibility of having conflicts of interest creates the perception of impropriety, even if no actual fraud was committed.

Thats true, conflict of interest rules cannot completely stop hardcore fraudsters, but at least having a clear rule like that would deter "casual" fraudsters, those who think that since this is capitalism, any way to make money is allowed. The major benefit would actually be in the prevention of litigation spam, in those cases where stockholders automatically assume (sometimes rightly, but other times wrongly) that fraud is going on whenever a CEO buys from one of his/her own companies.
gla dos

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Honestly, a captcha on the new user registration page would help a bit.
Ay Vee
RJ: Ay Vee

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@Shadowy Mollusc- Explicitly I think the JOI complex was good for the game when it was operating as a complex, and the benefits of large complexes when they are operated reasonably outweighs 'potential problems'. Conflict of interest rules prevent the creation of a similar group.

In low volume markets where there may be only 1 or 2 b2b sellers, it's not reasonable to block a CEO from purchasing from another company he controls if the item is priced in a reasonable fashion.

@the several people using the term 'litigation spam'- What spam? I count 4 lawsuits in ~2 days:
GoonPower vs Roark<-Pleadings finished, needs a judgement
Aire vs Spartacus1<-Frivolous, settlement reached
Lime Co vs Kemp<-Settlement reached
Punch vs Jackson<-No response from defendent

That's not spam, that's working as intended.

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