Jim Frazer RJ: Kenneth Noisewater CO: Kenneth Noisewater Post Rating: 1 + / - Total Posts: 25 Karma: 31 Joined: Apr 14, 2012 |
Posted on May 1, 2012 So I'm messing around with the queue system and was wondering; when an item in queue is produced, will it use the quality for when it was queued or will it use the quality of the product when it's manufactured?In other words, if I queue to make, say, chocolate cake and I currently have 0 research. The cake won't start producing for 5 hours. In that 5 hours I get up to Q10 research. Will the cake produce at Q0 due to when I queued it or produce at Q10 (adjusted for raw materials, of course) |
Nwabudike Morgan RJ: CEO Nwabudike Morgan CO: CEO Nwabudike Morgan Post Rating: 3 + / - Total Posts: 108 Karma: 344 Joined: Apr 4, 2012 |
Posted on May 1, 2012 The quality is fixed at the time the production enters the queue, not the time that the production begins, so you would have Q0 cake in the queue.