eric scott RJ: Erik Scott CO: Sappo Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 130 Karma: 29 Joined: Apr 5, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 6, 2012 Ok so;I have a shop selling my own factory produced surf boards. Now in the shop it lists the 'cost' between 1,900k and 2,000k (depending on quality) Is that an indication of the total cost for 1 unit to be produced? IE: I should be setting my sale price PAST the cost? Because then my units did not seem to sell, however set at the 'average' of 850 sale price they are selling (albeit slowly) I am not really sure how anyone is supposed to ever make money this way... selling 6 surf boards a tick will never even pay off my factory! Am I doing something wrong? |
Roald Adriaansen RJ: Wuvil CO: Wuvil Post Rating: 1 + / - Total Posts: 146 Karma: 281 Joined: Feb 4, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 6, 2012 (Last edited on Apr 6, 2012) The larger the store, the faster you sell. Even if you don't sell per tick doesn't mean your not selling, expensive items can take many ticks to sell, especially in small stores. A store can sell several different products at the same time. The cost the game tells you is it's own calculation but not always accurate, I'd recommend making a spreadsheet. Also, Higher quality = faster sales and able to ask higher price. |
eric scott RJ: Erik Scott CO: Sappo Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 130 Karma: 29 Joined: Apr 5, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 6, 2012 Hmm I see I see...So if an item was in desperate demand, with little supply.... How does one determine the upper price limit it will possibly ever sell at? I mean... if customers want a new set of golf clubs bad enough, will they pay $5000 a pair ? Or is there some set price they simply will refuse to buy an item over? |
Roald Adriaansen RJ: Wuvil CO: Wuvil Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 146 Karma: 281 Joined: Feb 4, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 6, 2012 Each item has a max price you can type in, but you don't really want to be close to that. For self produced (the entire chain that is) items I generally go with 2.5W*1.(Q/50) (W=wholesale, Q=Quality (giving Q an effect of 2%)). If you are importing anything for the production you increase the multiplier accordingly etc. If you produce stuff to fast, lower the multiplier, if to slow, increase it and so on. You can also see the world's supply demand in a % form, the lower it is the faster you sell. Along with that price has a big effect. Lastly quality effects it too, but world demand and price being the biggest factors. |
Roald Adriaansen RJ: Wuvil CO: Wuvil Post Rating: 40 + / - Total Posts: 146 Karma: 281 Joined: Feb 4, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 6, 2012 World average price and quality also affects you a bit too in how fast you sell. The bigger market share you get though, the more you will influence that part though.
Mister Death RJ: McFlono McFloninoo Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 266 Karma: 300 Joined: Feb 6, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 6, 2012 (Last edited on Apr 6, 2012) It sounds to me like your store might be undersized w.r.t. your factory. You can plow the profits of your surfboard sales into more store space, or sell some of your surplus surfboards to other players via B2B. Or, make soccer balls in your next production run and sell them as well - no sense having empty shelves in that store!
eric scott RJ: Erik Scott CO: Sappo Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 130 Karma: 29 Joined: Apr 5, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 6, 2012 Errr ok ... well how do I tell what the max goods my store can hold on the shelves is?Assuming a 60m2 store, what does that equate to? |
Ay Vee RJ: Ay Vee Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 33 Karma: 29 Joined: Mar 30, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 6, 2012 Your stores sell directly out of your warehouse, they can hold infinite amounts (until warehouse capactiy gets added as a feature anyway). By "empty shelves" he meant products you're not currently selling.
eric scott RJ: Erik Scott CO: Sappo Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 130 Karma: 29 Joined: Apr 5, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 6, 2012 Hmm still not 100% sure I understandMy store is 60m2, but it is only selling between 2-6 units every tick, depending on if I set my price at a seriously low price, or way over the top (read, price can range between 800/unit = 6 sold or 4000/unit = 1 sold) So is 6 the most a store of 60m2 will sell in 1 tick? |
eric scott RJ: Erik Scott CO: Sappo Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 130 Karma: 29 Joined: Apr 5, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 6, 2012 Also still unsure on what the 'cost' calculates in the stores sell window.Is that a combination of the costs from other resources to build that product? Cause if it says cost was 1.9k for one unit, and I see the average sale price worldwide is 850, I am losing out big time |
Tony Wooster RJ: Johnny Appleseed Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 41 Karma: 51 Joined: Apr 4, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 6, 2012 Unless I'm reading this wrong, in theory, you should be able to produce surf boards for less than $70/each (given that $200 is the "base price" of the item, and the base price is generally around 3x production cost). This is, also, dependent on the quality of the item, but that seems to be a decent rule of thumb. I have no idea how you're spending $1.9k per surfboard -- did you buy your supplies at ripoff prices from the B2B, or maybe from import?
eric scott RJ: Erik Scott CO: Sappo Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 130 Karma: 29 Joined: Apr 5, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 6, 2012 Ah..... seems like I got hosed on my fibreglass purchase.:( |