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Zack WenJian
RJ: Zack
CO: Zack

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Joined: Mar 31, 2012
Roald Adriaansen
RJ: Wuvil
CO: Wuvil

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Joined: Feb 4, 2012
Doing quests means you put in effort.
Selling in stores is no effort.

Would also IMO add an unnecessary burden on newcomers given they already have lower quality etc etc etc.
Scott (Admin)
RJ: Ratan Joyce
CO: Ratan Joyce

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Joined: Jan 13, 2012
fame plays a part in improving your sales in store.
- Not yet, but soon I'll make them affect your free marketing power generation for your stores, after giving the economies of scale boost to factories

however fame only increase when doing quest.
- So far... Yes

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