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Merkür Yürür
CO: Merkür

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So this is my first capitalist game and I suck at calculations, already restarted the account 3 times. That being said, as a new player, how do I repay the 9M debt without interests chipping away at my reserves? I researched Q25 apples and am producing a lot of them. I also have a electricity and a water well set up, but it's kind of basic. I have a 150m2 store to sell the apples but selling in the stores is very slow even though I gave 1.5M to improve that building. Not to mention if I produced and sold all the apples, I wouldn't be able turn a profit because of the debt. How can I get out of this spiral, any ideas?

Also some questions;

Who is the guy named "null" putting all these offers? Is it a some sort of bot that puts items at certain price ranges so people don't put ridiculous offers? Or that there should be a supply of these?

Another question, clicking at the eos-pedia, I can see that there is an item called action figure. This is not a raw material that is used to create something, why put these kinds of items at the B2B market? Who benefits from buying a cheeseburger for example? You can't make anything out of it, well you can sell it on the store but in my experience that is really slow.

By the way I don't care how many people are playing this right now but I'm curious.. How many people regularly visit this site? I searched for some tutorials online but couldn't find anything.

Sidenote: Don't buy my offers because I'm a new player, buy them if you find it beneficial for yourself, I want to get out of this pit by myself and really liked this game. Would be amazing if it was a bit more zoomed perhaps? It has a good tutorial but since we start with that debt, getting over it pretty hard...

A quick heads up would be much appreciated, thanks :)
Merkür Yürür
CO: Merkür

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Joined: Oct 3, 2019
The secret was WATER :)
Capital Istic
CO: Capital Istic

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Build more stores and upgrade the ones you currently have. That will increase the rate you are selling your apples.
Null is NPC.
The point of buying action figures would be to sell them in your stores (if you have the right kind of store). You could buy the cheeseburger/action figure for $X.XX, and then put them for sale in your store for $X.XX + $Y.YY, to turn a profit. You may also need to complete a quest.
I'm not sure about active players, but I've been here on and off for a couple years.
Merkür Yürür
CO: Merkür

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Joined: Oct 3, 2019
Oh I understand, are there any developers around? The marketing seems bugged, would be so profitable if it worked.
Paul Jikanski
RJ: Paul Jikanski
CO: Paul Jikanski

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I will try to answer some questions

1) "Null" is an NPC/bot "player" which does not have a name as it should, in computer language generally "null" means "invalid" . If you go on the Test server it is working as intended and you should see names such as "[NPC] United General Cor" instead of "Null"
I don't recall how the mechanics work, but I believe it was intended to make products available on the market for newer players to purchase to start if there are no real players selling those products. I think I read once a product's average price on B2B affects the MSRP in the stores? That part may be wrong.

2) Things like Action Figures and Cheeseburgers can be purchased and resold. For example, the Action Figures that are on B2B sold by "Null" have a Quality of 5 and a cost of $22 each, but they have an MSRP of $44 in the Toy Store (resulting in $20 profit per toy, not including overhead). This can be a way to make profit without investing in buildings. Buildings and research can create large overhead expenses and run you into debt faster than you can pay it off.
There is a key to this though, when looking at Action Figures on EOS-Pedia you can see, that the average quality being sold in stores is 97 (!!!very high!) with an average price of $146, and it has 10.37% of its total demand met.
It will be tough to break into this market, and store sales will be very slow unless you scale up quite a bit. With the competition having a quality of 97, the action figures you buy from B2B with a quality of 5 will not sell very well.
There are ways to combat this, just like in real life. You will need to keep your price much much lower than the average of $146 to even get ANY sales. Sticking with the MRSP of $44 might still be slow even. Most people will be buying those higher quality toys. Along with keeping your price low, increasing your own quality (by producing and researching your own, instead of buying from B2B) will increase your sales.
The Main way to combat this along with increasing your quality via research, is to scale up your production. That's the name of the game here. The bigger your factory/farm is, the more you can produce in a shorter time, while also requiring less materials per product.
Everything is based on scale. For example when producing apples, growing 1,000 apples takes 1.5 minutes, 94 electricity, and 2,800 water with a Unit Cost of $0.45 per apple. But, growing 50,000 apples only requires 58 minutes, 3,500 electricity, 105,000 water, and only has a Unit Cost of $0.34. Multiply the first set of requirements (minutes, electricity, water) by 50 and you can see the scale difference.
As you can see if you do the math (think of it like making 1,000 apples 50 times, versus making 50,000 apples at once), producing the apples on a larger scale (more per production run) requires less time and materials, resulting in a lower Cost Per Apple, and in turn higher profits! (Note that Unit Cost DOES include the cost of water and electricity based on the Average Cost listed in your warehouse, no need for extra math this is your FULL production cost EXCEPT!! research costs are not added in)
in other words, to increase your store's sale speed, increase your scale and quality! Note that you pay Maintenance and Salary on each building, and the larger the building the more it costs. But as far as I know, please correct me if I'm wrong, but one 4,000m building is cheaper to run than four 1,000m buildings. It can often be better to increase the size of one building as you save up the money rather than buying more, smaller, buildings

3) this screen shows the current number of active players on the top right https://www.capitalism-online.com/index.php

Also no, the developer disappeared years ago unfortunately. But there is supposedly another group who was given the source code by the original developer, and they are continuing development but on a new site. Though there has been no development past the initial splash page, and the link is now giving me 404 error anyways http://www.economies-of-scale.com/test/
this link was posted in another thread on these forums

Marketing is indeed bugged as you described, it does not work anymore. :(

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