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store types should have higher sales rates for matching goods

Bruce Wayne
RJ: Bruce Wayne
CO: Bruce Wayne

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Total Posts: 37
Karma: 28
Joined: May 17, 2012
At the moment an electronics store can sell appliances just as well as a hardware store. Similarly a gas station sales rate for food products is equal to that of a supermarket if the same items are sold. Last example off the top of my head is sports stores sell several items that apparel stores also do.

My suggestion is to add a slight demand increase if the proper item type is sold at its matching store. For example sell a dryer at hardware store and get a 10 to 15 demand bonus. I like this idea idea less but with the 8 shelves limit it would also make sense to make it so an electronic store only can sell electronics, and likewise with all other stores.

I prefer the matching item store demand bonus idea.

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