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Stores have stopped selling. Am I under arrest for something

Emile Lasto
RJ: Emile Lasto

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Joined: Apr 21, 2012
April 23, 22:12 PST -- All my store sales have been zero for two ticks. What have I done!
Alexia Perdhaer
RJ: Alexia Perdhaer

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Sales seem to have resumed.
Scott (Admin)
RJ: Ratan Joyce
CO: Ratan Joyce

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Not absolutely sure what happened, but I did do some minor indexing changes again about an hour before then.

In the last tick I just split the sales script into 4 different ones after seeing the run time go pass 50 seconds again.

Strangely the 4 different scripts now add together to over 150 seconds total, so something doesn't look right (although I can guarantee you it has nothing to do with the code after benchmarking each query individually).

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