Brian Ellis RJ: Elon Roosevelt CO: Elon Roosevelt Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 7 Karma: 10 Joined: Apr 6, 2015 |
Posted on Apr 6, 2015 Hi gang,Excited to be here and get into playing! I've started to invest hours time & money into R&D to help boost tech, but I'm not sure where I'm supposed to be seeing an advantage. Do higher levels of R&D result in lowers costs per unit? Or lower the time to create each unit? Thanks! |
Andrew Carnegie RJ: Andrew Carnegie CO: Andrew Carnegie Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 94 Karma: 10 Joined: Sep 13, 2013 |
Posted on Apr 7, 2015 hi and welcome to EOS, Ace,no, higher tech gives your products higher quality when you make them all things being equal -- and they never are -- consumers prefer to pay slightly more for higher qa products of the same type don't know what industry you've chosen, but if you plan to retail yourself, then simply use the EOS pedia icon, click on that store sort the columns by highest average retail price, or by demand met if you want to go for highest prices, then scroll the bottom of that sort, and click on the icon for the product to the far left -- there , you'll see how much of the product's qa is from tech research, and how much is from input semi finished products you'll want to either make as high a qa of all semi finished inputs yourself, or buy them from a reliable player here on EOS you can post requests under the correct forum header for requests for products you want to buy , or offering products you want to sell hope this helps you out a bit, and feel free to ask further questions good luck and have fun with EOS |
Brian Ellis RJ: Elon Roosevelt CO: Elon Roosevelt Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 7 Karma: 10 Joined: Apr 6, 2015 |
Posted on Apr 7, 2015 Got it! So, the higher the tech, the higher the quality, the higher the selling price! Makes sense to me, thanks for the answer and the warm welcome! Excited to be here.
Andrew Carnegie RJ: Andrew Carnegie CO: Andrew Carnegie Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 94 Karma: 10 Joined: Sep 13, 2013 |
Posted on Apr 7, 2015 forgot to mention one thing in my 1st answer: in addition to higher sales prices, higher qa also gives retailers an easier chance at getting a larger market share, which also gets increased with advertising -- the little $ icon on the top in the middle of the store boxi try to spend about $4 billion per week over all my retail stores of one type --apparel say other players have different ad $ strategies so, higher qa of retail products and higher ad dollars equals greater market share at higher selling prices, in general |
Tiny Hogwaffle RJ: Caligula CO: Tiny Hogwaffle Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 128 Karma: 10 Joined: Jun 3, 2013 |
Posted on Apr 7, 2015 Basically, quality is one thing that affects demand for the product in stores.If two people are selling Rubber Ducks, and they both have 3000 m2 in toy store space, the seller with the higher quality ducks could raise his price higher than the other guy and sell the same amount for more profit. Or, he could keep his price the same as the guy with the lower quality ducks and sell more ducks than him. Other things that affect demand: the price you set, the amount of store space you have, advertising, the % demand met in the product (how saturated the market is). |