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Someone was a naughty boy (NewNew/Xe Int/Shell Oil)

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James Woods
RJ: Semaj

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I was bored and bought a few shares of some dead companies for humor value and because no one else had any giving me the chance to check the books.

Purchase history of : NewNew
Product Quality Quantity Unit Price Total Price Seller Time
Water 2 1 $9,999.00 $9,999.00 Shell Oil Co 2012-04-21 03:04:04
Water 2 74 $9,999.00 $739,926.00 Shell Oil Co 2012-04-21 03:03:58
Water 2 10 $9,999.00 $99,990.00 Shell Oil Co 2012-04-21 03:03:44
Water 2 300 $9,999.00 $2,999,700.00 Shell Oil Co 2012-04-21 03:03:33
Water 2 2,222 $9,999.00 $22,217,778.00 Shell Oil Co 2012-04-21 03:03:23
Water 2 11 $9,999.00 $109,989.00 Shell Oil Co 2012-04-21 03:03:17
Water 2 11 $9,999.00 $109,989.00 Shell Oil Co 2012-04-21 03:03:12
Water 2 1,111 $9,999.00 $11,108,889.00 Shell Oil Co 2012-04-21 03:03:06
Water 2 11 $9,999.00 $109,989.00 Shell Oil Co 2012-04-21 03:03:01
Water 2 11,162 $9,999.00 $111,608,838.00 Shell Oil Co 2012-04-21 03:02:55
Water 2 1,162 $9,999.00 $11,618,838.00 Shell Oil Co 2012-04-21 03:02:49
Water 2 162 $9,999.00 $1,619,838.00 Shell Oil Co 2012-04-21 03:02:41
Water 2 34,551 $9,999.00 $345,475,449.00 Shell Oil Co 2012-04-21 03:02:30
Water 2 9,104 $9,999.00 $91,030,896.00 Shell Oil Co 2012-04-21 03:02:19
Water 2 165,448 $9,999.00 $1,654,314,552.00 Shell Oil Co 2012-04-21 03:02:11
Water 2 165,448 $9,999.00 $1,654,314,552.00 Shell Oil Co 2012-04-21 03:02:09
Water 2 165,448 $9,999.00 $1,654,314,552.00 Shell Oil Co 2012-04-21 03:02:03
Water 2 65,448 $9,999.00 $654,414,552.00 Shell Oil Co 2012-04-21 03:01:53
Water 0 22,000,000 $0.06 $1,320,000.00 Wingding Bobbins 2012-04-21 02:49:02

Purchase History of XE international

Product Quality Quantity Unit Price Total Price Seller Time
Electricity 0 500,000 $1.99 $995,000.00 Haus of Gaga 2012-04-21 02:13:12
Electricity 0 2,000,000 $1.99 $3,980,000.00 Haus of Gaga 2012-04-21 02:13:03
Electricity 0 2,268,027 $1.99 $4,513,373.73 Haus of Gaga 2012-04-21 02:13:02
Chemicals 14 12 $99,999.00 $1,199,988.00 steev 2012-04-21 01:49:27
Chemicals 14 333 $99,999.00 $33,299,667.00 steev 2012-04- 21 01:49:16
Chemicals 14 111 $99,999.00 $11,099,889.00 steev 2012-04- 21 01:49:05
Chemicals 14 111 $99,999.00 $11,099,889.00 steev 2012-04- 21 01:48:52
Chemicals 14 1 $99,999.00 $99,999.00 steev 2012-04-21 01:48:46
Chemicals 14 3,241 $99,999.00 $324,096,759.00 steev 2012- 04-21 01:48:33
Chemicals 14 5,255 $99,999.00 $525,494,745.00 steev 2012- 04-21 01:48:25
Chemicals 14 120 $99,999.00 $11,999,880.00 steev 2012-04- 21 01:48:17
Chemicals 14 1,200 $99,999.00 $119,998,800.00 steev 2012- 04-21 01:47:54
Chemicals 14 10,000 $99,999.00 $999,990,000.00 steev 2012 -04-21 01:47:35
Chemicals 14 1,000 $99,999.00 $99,999,000.00 steev 2012-0 4-21 01:47:25
Ceramic Tile 999 1 $21,600,466.00 $21,600,466.00 steev 2012-04-21 01:46:00

Purchase History of Shell Oil
Shell Oil
Electricity 0 100 $9,999.00 $999,900.00 Doit 2012-04-21 03:27:52
Electricity 0 600 $9,999.00 $5,999,400.00 Doit 2012-04-21 03:27:47
Electricity 0 3,000 $9,999.00 $29,997,000.00 Doit 2012-04 -21 03:27:41
Electricity 0 400 $9,999.00 $3,999,600.00 Doit 2012-04-21 03:27:22
Electricity 0 80 $9,999.00 $799,920.00 Doit 2012-04-21 03:27:15
Electricity 0 20,000 $9,999.00 $199,980,000.00 Doit 2012- 04-21 03:27:00
Electricity 0 3,000 $9,999.00 $29,997,000.00 Doit 2012-04 -21 03:26:49
Electricity 0 3,000 $9,999.00 $29,997,000.00 Doit 2012-04 -21 03:26:35
Electricity 0 19,999 $9,999.00 $199,970,001.00 Doit 2012- 04-21 03:26:28
Electricity 0 999 $9,999.00 $9,989,001.00 Doit 2012-04-21 03:26:21
Electricity 0 999 $9,999.00 $9,989,001.00 Doit 2012-04-21 03:26:15
Electricity 0 9,999 $9,999.00 $99,980,001.00 Doit 2012-04 -21 03:26:09
Electricity 0 90,483 $9,999.00 $904,739,517.00 Doit 2012- 04-21 03:26:02
Water 0 755,777 $9,999.00 $7,557,014,223.00 Doit 2012-04- 21 03:25:18

I'll also be posting someone elses less obvious but still very obvious funneling of money.
Hater Aide
RJ: Steve Jobz

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http://www.ratjoy.com/forum/topic/i-m-seeing-way-too-many-jo kers-nowadays/

http://www.ratjoy.com/forum/topic/suit-against-allen-jack sen/
Weicong Sng
RJ: Park Min Young
CO: Psychotic Nutcase

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Its all part of the Steve Jobz cheap credit debacle.
Weicong Sng
RJ: Park Min Young
CO: Psychotic Nutcase

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Seriously, steve jobz stop spoiling the game, you're screwing the game up
Gheed Baiwa ben sandara
RJ: Bob
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i think hes just using the flawed system to its fullest :p This is what the beta is there for, exposing all the flaws so our Glorious Leader can fix them!
Lorenzo Boccaccia
RJ: Mon Opoli
CO: Mon Opoli

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Isn't this business as usual?

If people falls for the scam it's their fault. Unless you want to play Economy of Scale: socialism is magic

Now, the fact that you can ipo an empty shell and flee with the money is mostly a problem with banks and the initial stock sale
Riloth Heldwall
RJ: Shadowy Mollusc

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Ironically enough, this game shaping up to be quite a strong argument against laissez-faire capitalism.
Nathan Dilday
RJ: ndkid
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I think we're more in the stages of showing what happens with highly inefficient markets. There aren't enough actors in the system to provide sufficient meaningful data or wisdom of crowds right now. Lots of goods are produced by a very small number of companies.

As the number of players goes up, the effect any one bad actor can have on the system will go down.

I do think there needs to be better control by the shareholders over who can run a company, however.
Victoria Raverna
RJ: Victoria Raverna
CO: Victoria Raverna

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The problem is not that people fell to scam since the main fraud was not against other players. This was an exploit of the stock market and stoled from the non player shareholders.
Brent Goode
RJ: BB Goode
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"As the number of players goes up, the effect any one bad actor can have on the system will go down."

I totally agree. However, we won't keep players long enough to see those effects if they see such a flawed system when they get here. I have been here about two weeks, and it is the same nonsense every day. Look at all the "lawsuits" on this forum. It is hard to keep going when, as a small company, you are pounded with the effects of this silliness on the markets that you need to succeed.

On the plus side...look at all the "lawsuits" on the forum. All in the last couple of days. At least people are paying attention to things, and calling the corrupt players to the carpet. It is just like the "market theories" that get bandied around from time to time, as Scott has to deal with so many issues, and gets tired of it, he will place tougher parameters on activities in response to the cheating. He will then ban the ones whom persist in attempting to undermine his efforts. It will chase the cheaters away, and we will have the lovely biz-sim he has so diligently worked toward.
Richard Ripberger
RJ: Rip
CO: Rip

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I for one am close to walking away.

This would be a great game to play with good people, unfortunately there are so many assholes on the internet that it becomes impossible.
Guy McMoney
RJ: Guy McMoney

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Well, there should be no expectation that players will act in an ethical or reasonable fashion. Just as in real life, the system only works with regulation, and even then, "works" is a relative term.

People are douches. If a system or game depends on them acting any other way, it's doomed to failure. Which makes the early calls for written rules laughable. Writing down rules that we all understand but others choose to violate because they can will do nothing to stop douches from being douches. Words aren't going to stop anyone. Which leaves either banning, which is a war no one wants to fight because it wastes so much time that could be otherwise productive. Or programatically solving the problem with fines and other penalties applied to the players themselves.

I don't have specific solutions. That's up to the designer to decide and implement. I'd hate to see this work of his flushed down the toilet due to a few morons who get enjoyment from kicking over other peoples' sand castles.
Scott (Admin)
RJ: Ratan Joyce
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I'm not in favor of written rules either, not because people won't obey them, but because, let's face it, who here actually reads the ToS or User Agreement, let alone a "10+ page Law of the Land"?

I don't think the problem has to do with Steve Jobz - those who got hurt from the stock market just asked for it because they invested in a scam company. Of course Steve Jobz was put into jail due to B2B fraud.
Guy McMoney
RJ: Guy McMoney

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Well in that case CEO's face criminal charges and civil lawsuits. It's not like they should be allowed to spend 5 years in jail only to come out and enjoy the cash they stole from little old ladies' retirement funds.

Even if you want to believe those who get conned are deserving of it, the con artist should be bankrupted at a minimum. If the want to keep playing they can start from scratch and see if they can con their way to the top again.
Scott (Admin)
RJ: Ratan Joyce
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Even if you want to believe those who get conned are deserving of it, the con artist should be bankrupted at a minimum.

I'll open up a litigations board for this.
James Woods
RJ: Semaj

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I'd consider harsher penalties...

I wouldnt mind if you got a board/Jury together to go through cases and whatnot.
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