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Working team: R&D

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Emile Lasto
RJ: Emile Lasto

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I'm confused by why the lead_tech is lower than the average quality for many of the products in the new product list. How is that possible?
Harold Holt
RJ: Harold Holt

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It says right there on the page:
* Average Quality is calculated from store sales.
** Leading Tech is calculated from the average research quality of the top 5 research leaders for each product.

Are you aware that you can also import products?
Andrew Turner
RJ: Thomas Lazygun

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You can import high-quality items. Also, some factories rely more heavily on the quality of the raw ingredients than the quality of your process.
martin uzz
RJ: Martinuzz
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Slightly off-topic, but related.

Would it be an idea, to expand research as follows:
Researching Quality increases Production time and Production costs.
To offset this, a new research line becomes available for the products: Efficiency.
Researching Efficiency decreases both Production time and costs.
martin uzz
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Slightly on-topic:

To tackle the problem of new players vs old players:

Make it so, that research time needed to reach level X, for a product = base research time needed for level X * (current tech level + Y) / (highest tech level reached for this product globally).
Y would be a constant that still gives those players who have the highest quality ratings a little edge.

Example, with Y=5
Newb Meat Inc. has just been founded. It has quality level 0 canned newb meat, because it has just been founded. It starts researching better newb meat. Globally, the highest quality newb meat is produced by Y.A.S.D., who has just reached quality level 50.
Let's say the base time to research newb meat to level 1 is 5 minutes. To reach level 1, N.M.I. (no pun intended) would need 5min*((0+Y)/50) = 5 * 0.1 = 0.5 minutes, or 30 seconds to research level 1.

Now let's say the N.M.I. is at the gates of Y.A.S.D., closing in on it's quality. It now has quality level 46 meat, and Y.A.S.D. still has 50, still the global highest.

With Y=5, and let's say the base research time to go from level 46 to 47 is 50 hours;
Time to reach level 47 = 50h*(46+Y)/50) = 50 * 51/50 = 51 hours.

So this makes it easier to catch up from a long distance behind, while Y gives the market quality leader a small edge. Y shouldn't be too high though. Perhaps 5 is too much already.

As for the base times for research, I don't have any ideas there (yet). I can just say I feel that the most recent change has made research times much too long at higher levels.

EDIT: Note that the highest quality company should just use the base research time, and not the above formula, for then Y would disadvantage itself
martin uzz
RJ: Martinuzz
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Sry, third post.

As for base research value reduction:
I understand that the dev wants to see research costs decrease over time, in a way that affects both old and new players.

Perhaps, make research costs decrease based on hours spent producing said product (hours spent, not amount produced), modified by product quality level vs. product technology level.

If you can produce products, that are at or near your product's quality level, you will get great time reduction. If you produce products that are below your technology level, you will also get research time reduction, but less.

For new players, it is relatively easy to produce products that are at, or near their technology level. They can easily buy ingredients on the B2B market to help achieve that.
Players with high technology level have a harder time producing products up to their technology level, unless they can produce / acquire all base ingredients at sufficiently high quality. They may have researched q80 grapes, but can they find q80 water?

Ofcourse, this will not work for products that are not affected by base material quality at all (like wood). Those will always be at max time reduction. Which isn't really bad, for raw materials.

I think implementing this will also boost B2B trading in quality raw materials
Scott (Admin)
RJ: Ratan Joyce
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Argghhhhh, not fun!

Summary of the previous 6 hours on trying to fix the current hurry/cancel problem with multi-building research on the same product:

The Problem (Car 1 is the canceled item, bold is the failing point):
Building A: Car 1, Car 2, Truck 1
Building B: Car 3

6 Hours Ago:
Tried to write some very complicated MySQL query to tackle the problem, using Car as example, it'd work for:
Building A: Car 1, Car 2, Truck 1
Building B: Apple 3, Apple 4, Car 3
Building C: Car 4

but fails for:
Building A: Car 1, Car 2, Truck 1
Building B: Apple 3, Apple 4, Car 3, Apple 6
Building C: Apple 5

2 Hours Ago:
Gave up and decided to do it at the app level with a for loop, less efficient but easier with the conditionals, and then I realized this would still be a problem:
Building A: Car 1, Car 2, Truck 1
Building B: Apple 3, Apple 4, Car 3, Apple 6
Building C: Apple 5, Apple 7, Wheels 8
Building D: Wheels 9

The new plan would be either:
1. Rebuild the entire queue on any cancel/hurry
2. Forbid researching the same product in 2 different buildings

What do you think?

(BTW, even though the trials are better than what is in place, I've not uploaded them because they are unpolished failed experiments)
Alexia Perdhaer
RJ: Alexia Perdhaer

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I'm strongly in favour of disallowing researching the same product in multiple buildings.

Not only will it be much easier to program, but I have a selfish reason: I don't notice that I'm doing it and waste research time when I've queued something in one building that depends on something much later in another building's queue.
Christopher Fowler
RJ: Brasswick

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I would go with the forbidding of researching the same product in multiple research and development facilities. My opinion of it is that if what I'm thinking is correct, it would then lead to people building several of the same research and development facility and thus causing players and their companies to further specialize in a particular industry.

Also, for some reason I think it would be easier to do the whole bit with forbidding the researching of the same product in multiple research and development facilities than setting it up to reset the queue every time you cancel or outsource some research. It's just a hunch and my own experience with scripting, and I may be wrong, but I just think disallowing the research of the same product across multiple buildings would be easier than to allow it while setting up some process of rebuilding the entire queue whenever there is an order to cancel or outsource some research.

Either way, my vote is for the forbidding of researching the same product in multiple research and development facilities.
address unknown
RJ: DropsySufferer

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2. Forbid researching the same product in two buildings.

I didn't find that feature useful myself and keep research in one building anyway for organizational reasons.
Stevie Ridsdale
RJ: Stev
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2. Forbid researching the same product in 2 different buildings
Lorenzo Boccaccia
RJ: Mon Opoli
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2. Forbid researching the same product in 2 different buildings

I think that there are some cases that could benefit from the other option (like one small research center for kickstart a project and one larger for when it gets higher in level)

but they're kinda specific and they can still be done manually, it's not like they happen on a daily basis
Mister Death
RJ: McFlono McFloninoo

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I think 2 is fine: Once you queue a product in one building it gets locked out of the others. If people don't like it they can rebuild the code and present it to you themselves; but you yourself have bigger fish to fry.
Marcos Fernandez
RJ: greatma

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2. Forbid researching the same product in 2 different buildings
Andrew Turner
RJ: Thomas Lazygun

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2. Forbid researching the same product in 2 buildings. The alternative will make players and developers very confused and unhappy.
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