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Working team: R&D

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Bob Malone
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2. Forbid researching the same product in 2 buildings. The alternative will make players and developers very confused and unhappy.
Brent Goode
RJ: BB Goode
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Forbid research of the same product in two buildings.
Dave Bonar
RJ: Marcus
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#2 one product to R&D = one building researching
billy bob
RJ: Billy Bob
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Forbid research of the same product in two buildings.
Nwabudike Morgan
RJ: CEO Nwabudike Morgan
CO: CEO Nwabudike Morgan

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Go with option 2. It's a lot simpler, and rarely will anyone want to use a cross-building research queue for the same item.
Guy McMoney
RJ: Guy McMoney

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#2. There is no need to research the same product from multiple buildings, especially since there is no real advantage to doing so.
Alice Livisa
RJ: Nikola Tesla
CO: Nikola Tesla

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I'm going with #1 just to be contrary.
Sarah Palin
RJ: Vampire Sarah Palin

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I think option 1 would be a good thing to have eventually, but for editing queues more than as a workaround to the multiple building/research problem.

The only benefit of researching something in multiple buildings is it's easier to manage if you're a scatterbrained crazy person. While catering to them may help the game in the long run, you run the risk of becoming one yourself if you choose option 1 AND fix the multiple building/research issue.

Why? Because going down path 1 wouldn't end with reworking the research system. The added complexity would only benefit a player if the previous level research were to be completed BEFORE the next level research should start. E.g. (times shown are the way they are currently shown in the queue, i.e. each item has all previous items' time added to them),

Building A: Car 1 (2:00), Car 2 (5:00), Truck 1 (8:00)
Building B: Apple 1 (6:00), Car 3 (10:00)

Here Car 3 starts an hour after Car 2, so no time is lost in either building. Anecdotally, I've only had the alternative happen to me. That is, that the previous level research finished AFTER the next level research should have started. E.g.,

Building A: Car 1 (2:00), Car 2 (5:00), Truck 1 (8:00)
Building B: Apple 1 (3:00), Idle (5:00), Car 3 (9:00)

In conclusion, if you want to make any research item in a queue cancellable/hurryable, awesome. However, please keep research items in discrete buildings. I wrote an extra paragraph out as to how implementing any version of option 1 would either be a waste of time or inferior to option 2. Turns out it was too complicated for one paragraph. I think that's reason enough not to go any further into it.
Antti Helin
RJ: Artell

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I'm also in favour of #2.
Marc Laird

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Everyone seems in favour of the second option, and i would agree, also it makes some good sense because realisticly you would what whatever team designed your Old car body to be working on your new one or whatever. The only real world example where a company might change research facilities would be outsourcing or upgrading or something.
Just as an aside i would like to propose something for the future where factories/research facilities become better at producing/researching something the more they concentrate on it, maybe nerf the old economy of scale slightly and make it very slightly dependent on a bonus conferred from continiously building your engines in the same building/researching car bodies in the same facility continuously.
Like advertising this bonus should decay over time and maybe faster when you start doing anything unrelated.
Real world factories need to retool and retrain for new industries and such.
Toaster D'Awesome
RJ: Toaster The Awesome

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#2 because it's just simpler and less error-prone.
Nathan Dilday
RJ: ndkid
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I'm cool with #2!
Wampus Aurelius
RJ: John Eff King Zompus
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#2. Simpler is better.
Space Butler
RJ: Space Butler
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No problem with #2 here. It'll fix the problem so you can work on other things.
David Donlon
RJ: Fenious Buttersmith

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#2 is perfectly reasonable.
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