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Migration Thread 4/9/2013

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Scott (Admin)
RJ: Ratan Joyce
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@arnar ingolfsson. Yes, you're clear.

Go to "My Requests", and you'll get a cancel button:

I thought I'm the only one having mouse troubles lately with "double clicking when I single click". If anyone else has "double clicking troubles", please send me a message as well.
Christopher Fowler
RJ: W. T. Snacks
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Please do let me know if you STILL can't connect.

I am unable to be logged into Capitalism Online on my mail.com account and Economies of Scale with my Facebook account at the same time without some weird stuff happening that requires me to clear my cache and delete my cookies, but otherwise I can log into both Capitalism Online and Economies of Scale. Just not at the same time like before the update.
Scott (Admin)
RJ: Ratan Joyce
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3 solutions for your case:

1. Chrome profiling:

2. Firefox profiling:

3. I can delete your mail.com EoS account, and your Facebook CO account (if either exist), and then merge the two accounts onto whichever one you'd like to keep.

Edit: Substituted the php wordwrap function with a simple preg_replace. It's much more efficient and the URL will no longer have spaced added into them for anyone. In case you're curious but haven't heard of it, the wordwrap function is used to thwart page widening attacks - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forum_spam#Page_widening
Christopher Fowler
RJ: W. T. Snacks
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1. Chrome profiling: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=2364824

This works perfectly for me. Thank you very much Scott.
M Burch
RJ: Farmerbob
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Please take a look at what I'm seeing - it's unplayable.


IE 10 fully updated.
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit fully updated.
Java fully updated.

I cleared every component of my browsing history and cache except saved passwords. No change.

Ran Ccleaner to look for registry related stuff (highly unlikely, I know) and no change.

Opened up the F12 developer tools and looked for scripting errors and found:

SCRIPT5009: 'bldgController' is undefined
buildings.php, line 95 character 1

Not sure if that's harmless or if it's causing the problem I'm seeing.

Looked at the other pages with the dev tools and most of them are indicating script errors.
Mike Barnett
RJ: D.Knell
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Maybe I'm missing something, but I see no options for the export market that will work for me. I see the opportunity to sell a few million units of halite. That's not going to do me much good when I'm making several trillion units a day in my mining company. Someone please tell me that I can still sell unlimited quantities on the export market, or there are going to be 6 very large, abandoned companies left of my time here.
David Archer
RJ: BallC
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@mike barnett: from the patch notes,

Dynamic pricing from the NPC Companies - buy more from them, and they will sell more soon but raise the price; sell more to them, and they will lower their purchase price but also buy more; and the inverse.
NPC listings/purchases updates every 15 minutes, no more restocking downtime.

So maybe try filling all the halite requests and waiting 15 mins and see if new larger requests get posted. Rinse and repeat until you've gotten rid of your halite.
Mike Barnett
RJ: D.Knell
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I could do that, which would increase the hours a day i have to play right now in order to maintain everything i worked my butt off to build. More likely, I'll probably just let them die. Too much investment for months and months, in time and effort. Now, seemingly at a whim, it all goes for nothing. Oh well, back to my other games that I've been neglecting.

Rinsing and repeating for 6 trillion units of halite per day is going to be a bit time consuming. Given my 6 companies, I'm not sure that 50 hours a day would be enough.
arnar ingolfsson
RJ: looser
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@arnar ingolfsson. Yes, you're clear.

Go to "My Requests", and you'll get a cancel button:that button do not work

I thought I'm the only one having mouse troubles lately with "double clicking when I single click". If anyone else has "double clicking troubles", please send me a message as well.
dan bra
RJ: King

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personally, i dont think the game should be easier for people with 6 companies than it already is, the fact that you can appoint someone who will manage your company for you is more than enough. btw, its a slippery slop , now its for you to manage 6 companies, but there are people with 20 companies in this game that will ask a feature that will help them out and it will never end.
Scott (Admin)
RJ: Ratan Joyce
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@M Burch:

THANK YOU for the report! Looks like I mistakenly uncommented some comments in one of the updates yesterday that caused a scripting error in IE.

Since you know what you're doing, just refresh the eos_common.js again (probably not needed since I'm using x.js?ver=# includes now), and turn off "compatibility mode", and the game will work. Please do let me know if you encounter any other bugs in IE, it's the most picky of all browsers.

Things like

var x = {
stuff: 1,
stuff2: 2,
stuff3: 3,

Works in any browser but IE, which insists you remove that last comma after 3
Mike Barnett
RJ: D.Knell
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I wasn't really asking for a feature to make it easier to manage my companies. I was looking for a feature that existed before. A feature that I built 3 very huge companies around. I did a lot of trial and error and research, and I built the largest manufacturing company in existence. I think I may have 2 or 3 other companies that are in the top 10 of factory size. I wasn't so much complaining as observing that I'm probably going to have to re-think a lot of stuff. Well, maybe I was complaining a bit, but I really wasn't asking for anything. Imagine my shock when I go to look for the export market with my typical load of 8+ trillion units of halite, looking for the day when the price gives me $1.25 each, and I find 6 places to sell 6 million units at .50 each. It was a bit of a shock. But I wasn't asking for a feature to help me out. I'll figure it out. And while I do, I'm putting every building in my 6 companies into non-stop expansion mode. If I suck at big, I should really suck at enormous.
Scott (Admin)
RJ: Ratan Joyce
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If I suck at big, I should really suck at enormous.

Sort of how I feel when I work on this game.
Mike Barnett
RJ: D.Knell
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As a retired programmer that still gets calls for stuff I wrote in Cobol 30 years ago, I feel your pain, Scott. Thanks for carrying the torch!
M Burch
RJ: Farmerbob
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Scott, I'm using a different version of IE here at work, but still seeing a lot of the same problems.

The buildings, however, are visible! Thank you for that fix. The terrain around the buildings looks like someone mixed broccoli and an egg carton in a blender though :)

I was able to get my buildings handled, then discovered that I cannot see any item data text at all in either the warehouse or b2b screens.
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