Josh Millard RJ: Tex Corman CO: J. Quaff Arabica Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 167 Karma: 231 Joined: Apr 3, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 8, 2012 Nope. Each product's throughput is totally independent of the other products being sold (or not) at the store. So diversifying your inventory is a really good idea. The ideal store sells every sort of thing it can, though that can be a bit of a bear to manage logistically.
Zack WenJian RJ: Zack CO: Zack Post Rating: -1 + / - Total Posts: 114 Karma: 503 Joined: Mar 31, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 8, 2012 in the case that the company bankrupt, i feel that all loan/debt must be pay up first before dividing the networth as it is ordinary shares, not preferred shares.
Gheed Baiwa ben sandara RJ: Bob CO: Bob Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 45 Karma: 11 Joined: Apr 3, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 8, 2012 Guys if I start a new company do I retain my quality technologies?
Scott (Admin) RJ: Ratan Joyce CO: Ratan Joyce Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 1175 Karma: 5083 Joined: Jan 13, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 8, 2012 in the case that the company bankrupt, i feel that all loan/debt must be pay up first before dividing the networth as it is ordinary shares, not preferred shares. You're correct, this is what is happening. Guys if I start a new company do I retain my quality technologies? Nope, when you sell the company, you sell everything with it. |
Wampus Aurelius RJ: John Eff King Zompus CO: Don Zompus Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 16 Karma: 16 Joined: Apr 3, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 9, 2012 (Last edited on Apr 9, 2012) If I have multiple qualities of an ingredient (such as water) in my warehouse, can I select which quality of ingredient gets used in my factories? I have not found a way to do this.Edit: Thanks to David Stark for answering. |
David Stark RJ: Zarkonnen CO: David Stark Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 53 Karma: 23 Joined: Apr 4, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 9, 2012 In the screen where you set up production, if you click on the picture of the ingredient, you can choose which quality you want.
Mathia Dorin RJ: Bombura Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 1 Karma: 10 Joined: Mar 30, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 9, 2012 How I could send things from warehouse of 1 st. company to warehouse of 2 nd.
Scott (Admin) RJ: Ratan Joyce CO: Ratan Joyce Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 1175 Karma: 5083 Joined: Jan 13, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 10, 2012 For now it's complicated:1. Transfer money from company 1 to player 2. List products to transfer from company 1 for a little above market price (so it doesn't get snatched up by the export companies) 3. Transfer money from player to company 2 4. Buy listed items from B2B The said function is on the list, I'll work on it after I'm done with the current function. |
Paul Giggs RJ: Paul Giggs CO: Paul Giggs Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 14 Karma: 11 Joined: Apr 5, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 10, 2012 Is there a screen that shows the number of factories in the game world? Like it would say there are currently 200 Fruit Plantations. |
Nwabudike Morgan RJ: CEO Nwabudike Morgan CO: CEO Nwabudike Morgan Post Rating: 2 + / - Total Posts: 108 Karma: 344 Joined: Apr 4, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 10, 2012 Although this question from a week ago has already been answered (sort of), I'd like to clarify the answer a bit more.Q: How long does the advertising effect last? A2: Advertising exponentially decays to an asymptote of 100/3 * store_size ^ 2. Since it decays by 0.003 of the difference, the "time constant" is 1/0.003 = 333.(3) ticks, which is about three and a half days. Generally, a steady state condition is thought of as being reached somewhere around four or five time constants after the last transient. If you leave your store size alone and don't advertise for it, you can expect its advertising to nearly converge after about two weeks (4 time constants). To be more exact, e^-k of the difference will remain after k time constants have elapsed, so about 1.8% of the difference between your current advertising power and the asymptote will remain after two weeks. |
Scott (Admin) RJ: Ratan Joyce CO: Ratan Joyce Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 1175 Karma: 5083 Joined: Jan 13, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 10, 2012 Is there a screen that shows the number of factories in the game world?Nope, but I see why this would be interesting to display. So maybe I'll make a page of building stats in addition to the product stats. |
Tony Wooster RJ: Johnny Appleseed Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 41 Karma: 51 Joined: Apr 4, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 11, 2012 (Last edited on Apr 11, 2012) Q: What is meant by average quality/average price?If I have 10,000,000 apples for sale at quality 0, and there is a single apple for sale at quality 100, is the average quality 50? Or is it 100/10,000,001? Or, is it a median average (presumably not because it's often fractional from the RSS feeds thread)? Likewise, what is average price in this context? Or, perhaps, it's all calculated on how much of what sold (which is fed forward from the previous stats), not based on what's offered. How does this work? 2nd Q: From the single place of all revealed formulae, you list a formula for product demand and label the unit as cents. Is the implication here that product demand is actually a budget that the fake consumers are willing to spend per item, not the number of items? |
Atorek Flarecrystal RJ: Atorek Flarecrystal Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 11 Karma: 10 Joined: Apr 9, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 11, 2012 Q: For restarting, do you start all the way over back at the name/fruit choosing screen, or is it just a blank slate and a newbie loan?
Scott (Admin) RJ: Ratan Joyce CO: Ratan Joyce Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 1175 Karma: 5083 Joined: Jan 13, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 11, 2012 (Last edited on Apr 11, 2012) Q: What is meant by average quality/average price? Or, perhaps, it's all calculated on how much of what sold (which is fed forward from the previous stats), not based on what's offered. How does this work?A: Avg Quality = SUM(Sold Quantity * Quality) / SUM(Sold Quantity) Same goes for price. Q: product demand is actually a budget that the fake consumers are willing to spend per item, not the number of items? A: Yes, the stats page simply converts that budget into number of items by using the average price. Q: For restarting, do you start all the way over back at the name/fruit choosing screen, or is it just a blank slate and a newbie loan? A: Blank slate and a newbie loan, and perhaps a random Q20 research in a <$5 product to help you start. |
Andrew Turner RJ: Thomas Lazygun Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 44 Karma: 26 Joined: Apr 9, 2012 |
Posted on Apr 13, 2012 How are sales calculated when your store is selling the same item at different quality levels and prices? For example, quality 0 lemons at 0.90 and quality 15 lemons at 1.20.