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Alexia Perdhaer
RJ: Alexia Perdhaer

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The proposed influence bonus is a massive, massive advantage.
Influence quickly becomes the primary bottleneck in the game.

Double influence gain + 100 influence a day bonus means a level 10 person is growing 300 sq m / day faster. That is 25 hours for factories - more than 1 full factory of production difference. Say we both want to grow 4 primary factories. The non VIP would have only 74% of the production, to match growth.

That is a very very large vig.

With each level the gap would widen. The paid players would exponentially dwarf the non paid players.
Scott (Admin)
RJ: Ratan Joyce
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Q: Still in the middle the period where you get instant upgrades, but it suddenly says it takes time/influence to upgrade... without my Networth having changed? Why?

A: The tooltips state: free until player level 5 or up to 2500 m^2 (whichever is earlier). Some people miss the level 5 part, others miss the 2500 m^2 part.

Q: Could you please confirm that the premium features are confort/cosmetic ones and will not give any direct advantage in game.

A: Not sure about the any, but certainly not big enough to make the game into a "different game". Besides, the buy-to-win model doesn't work with a rational audience that I'm trying to target with this game.

Q: "Certain actions may become unavailable based on your stock ownership"

A: So far the stock system is in its infancy, so all that matters is the 50.01% mark. When voting is implemented in the future 33.34% may become important too (ability to veto major decisions requiring 2/3 votes).
Emile Lasto
RJ: Emile Lasto

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Ok, but double influence gain +100 influence a day does make it a different game.

Say I want to upgrade a 2000sq foot factory. 100 influence is worth 2-4 million dollars to me, depending on what it produces. That is the value of the production I would lose to shut it down for 3 hours & 20 minutes. It could be worth even much more if it is low in a chain of manufacturing.

I don't know how biggest factory correlates with networth but from my experience the proposed influence bonus is roughly equivalent to saying paid players will receive a cash bonus of 10% of their net worth EVERY DAY.
Revanchism Mc. K
RJ: Revanchism

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A question about quests and their fame bonuses: Under completed quests, I should have ~20k fame. Oddly though, even with the 5k bonus from the World News thing the companies fame is only 9k. I thought at first that maybe some of the quests were separated between company and player fame, but even added together it is under the quest completed fame.

Is this a bug? Or is there a calculation that changes how much fame the quest truly gives?

Edit: Math
Scott (Admin)
RJ: Ratan Joyce
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I don't know how biggest factory correlates with networth but from my experience the proposed influence bonus is roughly equivalent to saying paid players will receive a cash bonus of 10% of their net worth EVERY DAY.

Point taken, any suggestions? However I doubt if it'll undermine actual gameplay value when more soft caps are added. (Similar to the salary, maintenance, and tax we have now)

Fame: Is this a bug? Or is there a calculation that changes how much fame the quest truly gives?

It's my oversight of implementing the networth and fame differently - on fame level up any available fame exp is deducted. It will be changed in the future.
Nwabudike Morgan
RJ: CEO Nwabudike Morgan
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Q: Why not answer my questions that precede these others?

Q: Why do we gain fame and influence for being the CEO of a public company with a separate chair, but not for being both chair and CEO?

Q2: Why do we (situationally) gain influence for running public companies, but not for running private companies?
Alexia Perdhaer
RJ: Alexia Perdhaer

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For me (and anyone I've discussed it with) games where paying gives you an edge in the game is a strong demotivator both to paying for or even continuing to play the game.

The things paying adds should be from the following classes:

1) meta-status (I think this is the best. As simple as displaying the company/player name larger and/or "fancier". Meta-status is a strong motivator to pay.

2) adds convenience (but not utility). Example of the difference: production queues are utility, if you add them everyone should get them. But it would be fine to then work on a more convenient, polished interface to them which only paying players get.

3) voting on new features (from among options YOU choose). The number of votes a player has should be displayed somewhere (see metastatus)

4) fun in-game items which are decorative, and which you can display in some way (see 1.) but don't change your "power" in the game

5) a separate sub-game, if you can do it in a way where success in the sub-game has minimal impact on game play in the regular game: example, a members only club where you can play poker with in-game money. This does impact outer game play in that you can win money you then put into your company, but it does so without de-valuing the "work" of playing.

The key about paying making doing well in the game easier is that it is extremely de-motivating, whether one wishes to pay or not.
Scott (Admin)
RJ: Ratan Joyce
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Thanks Alexia, 1-3 are good points and very doable, I'm glad to have you guys here so I can get all those opinions before actually releasing anything at the end of next month.

Now, back to NM's questions:

Q: Why do we gain fame and influence for being the CEO of a public company with a separate chair, but not for being both chair and CEO?

A: You do, but you don't gain double - and the CEO advantage is going away soon with the new job system.

Q2: Why do we (situationally) gain influence for running public companies, but not for running private companies?

A: As answered above.
Christopher Fowler
RJ: Brasswick

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Is it mandatory to go public when you hit level six?
Revanchism Mc. K
RJ: Revanchism

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No it isn't, Chris.

The only reason to go public is if you want a quick injection of cash.
But. You can no longer take money out of your companies to your personal account.
Bob Malone
RJ: Bob Malone
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I strongly agree with Alexia Perdhaer.
Alexia Perdhaer
RJ: Alexia Perdhaer

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Now that rushing costs (a lot) of money AND influence, my comments about influence no longer hold true.
Steven Lampley
RJ: Taco

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Do customers that go into stores look at each individual item to determine to buy it, or do they look at the average of the items.

Like if I have Rubik's Cubes at Q15 of %90 and Q23 for $110 do customers see that or do they see a Q19 cube for $100, or some other weighted average?
Scott (Admin)
RJ: Ratan Joyce
CO: Ratan Joyce

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A: They look at each one, and that's why it's a pain to optimize the code for efficiency.
Charlie Wood
CO: Chaz

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This is a bit more of a roleplay type thing, but is it/will it be possible to adjust your character's age? As far as I can tell ages are randomly determined upon character creation, but say I'm listed as 21 years old, but want my character to be represented as an 18-year old upstart or a 55 year old Gordon Gekko type. I'd like to be able to do that, even if it's just a little thing that has no major impact on gameplay.
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