Toaster D'Awesome RJ: Toaster The Awesome Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 14 Karma: 10 Joined: Apr 9, 2012 |
Posted on May 7, 2012 Before I really knew what was going on, I did list four full loads of electricity at 50 cents a unit and have it sell (with Vanderbutt Industries) but given the nature of the coming reset, I simply sold all my stock in the company and let the chair fall to the next big shareholder. If that's a punishment-worthy offense, consider this my confession.
Richard Ripberger RJ: Rip CO: Rip Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 153 Karma: 78 Joined: Mar 28, 2012 |
Posted on May 7, 2012 I don't think that would have been a problem toaster. I was doing the same thing putting what little I had up at somewhat high prices hoping to provide something for those that really needed it for less than $1 where some had it marked up to while making it high enough that people that didn't need it as bad wouldn't scoop it up.Every time something like this happens I try to have a little reserve and use that to cushion the market. Electricity and water are critical and many depend on the b2b for it. I built Octopower just to try and provide a shock absorber in times of crisis. Even though it is a couple hundred million that doesn't provide any financial return most of the time. |
D Patrick Michael RJ: Castun Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 41 Karma: 10 Joined: Apr 4, 2012 |
Posted on May 7, 2012 For someone who doesn't spend all their free time on the forums such as myself, what exactly was going on?
Dominykas Nasutavičius RJ: Dominique De Pomme CO: Dominique de Pomme Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 11 Karma: 10 Joined: Apr 9, 2012 |
Posted on May 7, 2012 As I see it, a lot of people were exploiting the stock system (I honestly have no idea how, since I don't use it) and that is why Scott is not going to migrate the companies DB to the actual game server (, so hats off to exploiters, the honest players are just thrilled to know this.
Tolgahan Arıkan RJ: Tolga CO: Tolga Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 6 Karma: 16 Joined: Apr 23, 2012 |
Posted on May 7, 2012 Well, I was just starting a new company but I gave up after this and sold everything I had, so I will start again when we have the new server. I hope that new stock market system will work better...
Josh Millard RJ: Tex Corman CO: J. Quaff Arabica Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 167 Karma: 231 Joined: Apr 3, 2012 |
Posted on May 7, 2012 A wipe moving out of beta seems like the only sane thing. The legacy of exploit- tweaking-related silliness is a great big mess of nonsense money and companies, and that's fine for beta but is a lousy way to start off a new clean slate.I mean, it's a bummer for me because I've managed to build up some companies and I'm pretty proud of without engaging in any of the bullshit hijinks. Giant Donut Inc. is a billion dollar venture now, built completely off actual manufacture-and-retail work from the ground up. I'm sort of over exploiting holes in a system at this point in my life. But I knew this was a beta, it was clearly pretty volatile, and I built the company up because it was fun to do it. It'll be fun to do it again. |
Josh Millard RJ: Tex Corman CO: J. Quaff Arabica Post Rating: 2 + / - Total Posts: 167 Karma: 231 Joined: Apr 3, 2012 |
Posted on May 7, 2012 But, beta wipe aside:As far as the conflict between periodic resets (sucks for folks who enjoy a legacy) and the impossible-to-catch-up effect of continuity (sucks for new players who want to feel like they're doing anything besides running around underfoot of the wizards), I'll reiterate my suggestion from last month: Use regional markets as mostly-self-contained sub-instances of the game. Periodically spawn a new region to create a blank slate playing field for newer players or for established players looking for a fresh start experience. Have some degree of inter-market trade; have incentives and disincentives in place to encourage early growth in the new regions to be largely new players rather than established players so that it's not just new markets being immediately locked down by rich neighbors. The whole thing is here: |
Richard Ripberger RJ: Rip CO: Rip Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 153 Karma: 78 Joined: Mar 28, 2012 |
Posted on May 7, 2012 With tens of thousands of players I could see that, but with only 1-2k it seems unnecessary.
Josh Millard RJ: Tex Corman CO: J. Quaff Arabica Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 167 Karma: 231 Joined: Apr 3, 2012 |
Posted on May 7, 2012 It's a future-proofing idea. Get the infrastructure in place, then kick off the game with a small set of regions and let it run. When the inevitable happens (time passes, player base grows), the infrastructure is there to accommodate the conflict between legacy giants and new players without raising the specter of The Wipe at all.
Nwabudike Morgan RJ: CEO Nwabudike Morgan CO: CEO Nwabudike Morgan Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 108 Karma: 344 Joined: Apr 4, 2012 |
Posted on May 7, 2012 The game needs too many things right now to worry about regional instances just yet.
Josh Millard RJ: Tex Corman CO: J. Quaff Arabica Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 167 Karma: 231 Joined: Apr 3, 2012 |
Posted on May 7, 2012 I agree, and I'm not suggesting this become the priority. I'm suggesting that it be something that gets looked at for the long term, because the worries over how to deal with the "wipe or not" issue will never just evaporate in a game with the sort of central growth-over-time mechanic that EoS has.I'm only bringing it up again here because the angst over wipe-related decisions is a point of discussion in here already, and an inherently contentious one given how much baggage comes into the decision to wipe a game world or not. Without needing to actually start shoveling away at the actual featureset, it'd make sense to start actively thinking now about what't be necessary to accommodate this (or something like it) as an addition to the game by the time this sort of discussion becomes important again. |
Herb Derpman RJ: Herb Derpman CO: Herb Derpman Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 35 Karma: 28 Joined: Apr 15, 2012 |
Posted on May 7, 2012 I don't think splitting the playerbase up at all is a good idea.There's a mechanic already in the game that would work just fine for helping new players get into the game, and that is the newbie period where you are able to hurry the construction and expansion of buildings for free. I think all that needs to be done is as the game goes on and matures, RJ can increase the amount of free expansion time new players get, maybe based on a percentage of the average net worth of companies in the game or something. Keep in mind with the technology changes, they'll also get to increase their technology levels quite a bit in no time at all, and while only paying pocket change, so I do not think it will be very difficult at all for new players to join in and be able to make a good profit. |
Daniel Elss RJ: Daniel Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 4 Karma: 10 Joined: Apr 10, 2012 |
Posted on May 7, 2012 You must not do this!Collective punishement is against Geneva Conventions! I will sue you! :D |
Scott (Admin) RJ: Ratan Joyce CO: Ratan Joyce Post Rating: -6 + / - Total Posts: 1175 Karma: 5083 Joined: Jan 13, 2012 |
Posted on May 7, 2012 Nah, it's not a collective punishment. As with any serious issue, you can:
It's the player's choice, but I'd say those who get jailed are jailed for stupidity. |
Andrew Naples RJ: Clemen Salad CO: Clemen Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 214 Karma: 89 Joined: Apr 26, 2012 |
Posted on May 7, 2012 Yea theres a difference between exploiting a legit gap in the market and this.