Richard Ripberger RJ: Rip CO: Rip Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 153 Karma: 78 Joined: Mar 28, 2012 |
Posted on Jun 5, 2012 In the end we still need some way of policing it with less involvement from Scott. That is the part that bugs me most that I have to distract Scott from important work to bitch about the "children" running about.Give me a shotgun and some rock salt and I will have them behaving in no time. |
Bruce Wayne RJ: Bruce Wayne CO: Bruce Wayne Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 37 Karma: 28 Joined: May 17, 2012 |
Posted on Jun 5, 2012 Private companies should have their balance sheets open just like public companies do. In terms of dealing with cheating use the supreme court. Have all the players vote on a judge that will have power to put cases up for trial. Also we probably need new jurors. The cases are made if the defendant fails the judge makes a ruling on damages. Scott would only need to execute the ruling. Now it would be Sean wright. He would get to defend himself if the jury votes guilty the judge decides on a punishment. |
Josh R RJ: Josh CO: Josh Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 15 Karma: 14 Joined: Apr 3, 2012 |
Posted on Jun 5, 2012 If Scott decides to publicize the B2B transactions, it would be nice to offer them in a machine-readable format (such as hourly dumps of the previous hour's transactions). This would allow players to build better fraud-detection tools. If the B2B dataset was made available, then it might be possible to attract interest from hobbyists like me who are interested in fraud-detection but lack realistic data to experiment with it.I would be interested in playing around with graph-based fraud-detection by developing tools that use visualization to help spot fraud ( is an example of a commercial program that does this). |
Andrew Naples RJ: Clemen Salad CO: Clemen Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 214 Karma: 89 Joined: Apr 26, 2012 |
Posted on Jun 5, 2012 So Im officially done with this game. Theres too many issues. Many changes (especially with the store change killing products on B2b and killing any variety) have really ruined the fun of the game.These were all REALLY obvious beforehand too is what killed me. Its not like these were unavoidable. The game barely cracks 300 logged in and theres explicitly no plan on trying to get more. The new server is pretty obviously gimped to slow growth or otherwise completely effed so I just don't want the grief. Good luck all.I sold all my stock in Clemen Electronics (10G NW) and Clemen Ice Cream (4G NW). They are all in good financial health, pick em up. |
Jayle Trigger RJ: Berry Punch CO: Applejack Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 93 Karma: 85 Joined: Apr 9, 2012 |
Posted on Jun 5, 2012 demands you buy her apples on the B2B, she needs your money to buy a cure for her curse.... and to expand Sweet Apple Acres. |
Bob Malone RJ: Bob Malone CO: Malone Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 341 Karma: 191 Joined: Apr 17, 2012 |
Posted on Jun 5, 2012 game has crashed ?edit : now it seems ok |
Bob Malone RJ: Bob Malone CO: Malone Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 341 Karma: 191 Joined: Apr 17, 2012 |
Posted on Jun 6, 2012 I am wondering how so many companies paid 2 R&D slots at start , and built industrial R&D @ 1M$ for 10m²
Bob Malone RJ: Bob Malone CO: Malone Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 341 Karma: 191 Joined: Apr 17, 2012 |
Posted on Jun 6, 2012 that's quite a lot of capital in R&D for starting but maybe it was the right path.I think that I am winning some money every day but quite slowly ( my networth is increasing but my debt also ), not sure that I took the right decisions at start... It seems that there are stores that are more efficient than others unfortunately. |
Michael Tsui RJ: Reisen CO: Reisen Udongein Inaba Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 45 Karma: 30 Joined: Apr 26, 2012 |
Posted on Jun 7, 2012 For the first time in this game, it actually makes sense to be a secondary producer for materials needed for high-tier goods.
Brent Goode RJ: BB Goode CO: BB Goode Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 506 Karma: 180 Joined: Apr 5, 2012 |
Posted on Jun 7, 2012 Can we please get some stability in the Import markets and cut with the embarrassing nonsense? After one day of almost reasonable, they have again doubled overnight. This whole thing continues to favor a single strategy of one-dimensional, one hi-end product, in one big store thinking. Not very real, nor advanced, nor fun. Even with the lack of fixes in EoS,(that Import is also in need of repair) I am favoring my time there vastly over this shadow of what was a great system in the making.I get no joy out of constantly badgering about this stuff. But I still have high hopes for a game that can be what Scott wants this to be, so I will stay with it a little while longer. And I do see Scott trying to be responsive, in a sorta, kinda eventually way. But geez, how many times does someone have to be hit in the head before they get the message? Every player that drops out exposes the shallowness of the demand system. Reisen's above comment is telling in its simple truth, and is a great move forward, but seems to come at the expense of every other product line in the game. (Fruit is about 98X cost on the import market right now.) This whole thing is a economic system built on (theoretically) refined percentages, but adjustments are made in geometric multiples? I so love the basic beta. Tightening it a bit to increase difficulty was a good idea. Choking it into a single workable strategy only, which it seems to now be, was not, I just don't know what happened, but I just feel so frustrated. What can I say? I bought into the hype. |
Bob Malone RJ: Bob Malone CO: Malone Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 341 Karma: 191 Joined: Apr 17, 2012 |
Posted on Jun 7, 2012 I noticed some significant import price evolution but nothing like doubling or close to that... In which market did you face that ?
Cian Kemp RJ: Cian Kemp CO: Cian Kemp Post Rating: 2 + / - Total Posts: 183 Karma: 58 Joined: Apr 9, 2012 |
Posted on Jun 7, 2012 They went up some, but they didn't double again. I suspect it's probably due to so many people funding their entire markets on imports instead of manufacturing. Game is supposed to be about manufacturing and selling goods, not just selling imports.It's actually kind of nice for manufacturers, as now there is less competition from those high quality imports. A few of my markets weren't selling too good after a competitor bought 17ql imports (compared to my 5ql manufactured goods) and sold them for a mere 20% markup over the already quite cheap import price. I had my stuff priced even cheaper, but the 12 extra quality was really hurting my sales. And you can still make money off reselling imports. Right now I'm selling a few imports that I bought today at 2x their import price (which is a bit high) and they're still selling enough to make it worth taking up a slot. My other slots are filled with goods I produce myself (currently have 5 different goods stocked that I produce myself, been working on a 6th). As far as the idea that selling one high end product in one big store being a good strategy - that's just wrong. Firstly, you're facing huge inefficiency due to the empty store shelves. That alone is going to cut your profits. Second, you're going to hit the brick wall that is demand met very, very fast with only one product. Those 5 products I've been producing? All five of them have been at 60%+ demand met since I started selling them - with the ones that I have competition in getting up to 80% and higher. And that's with 3 imports taking up the other store shelves. If you tried to focus on manufacturing and selling a single product you'd be dooming yourself to a slow death. Are imports a bit high? Sure, but as long as they stay stable (as in, don't make them double and half every other day so that we can buy without worrying about their price being half as much the next day) things will still work out. I for one think reducing the reliance on imports is a good thing - it means more opportunities for manufacturers. Anyone wonder why electricity, coal, natural gas, and other raw resources are going so cheap? Maybe it's the fact that most of the companies are selling imported goods instead of using these resources to produce goods? I'm more worried about the few raw material companies that we have right now going out of business due to lack of b2b consumers than the import prices being a bit high. |
Balon Swann RJ: Balon Swann CO: Balon Swann Post Rating: 1 + / - Total Posts: 19 Karma: 15 Joined: Apr 12, 2012 |
Posted on Jun 7, 2012 Nice Post Cian Kemp.Brent Goode: But geez, how many times does someone have to be hit in the head before they get the message? - You tell me. You are the one refusing to understand that import prices are based on importers. STOP IMPORTING and the prices will stop going up. Try buying off b2b and support the economy. I am selling my goods at about 1/3 import price (and 8 less quality...) You could buy my stuff. Heck, I have dropped my b2b prices at least half a dozen times in the last 12 hours. Don't blame the game because you chose to enter a market with little to no manufacturing support. Do what I did, exit that market and enter a new one; one that either has manufacturers supporting it or become the manufacturer yourself. In my honest opinion the import prices should be at least 2x what they are now in most categories and/or import quality should be zero. While this new server doesn't curry to import retail nearly as much as the old one did, it is still entirely too easy to just buy import for resell for most stores. Import should be a filler for the items you need NOW at any cost, not the crutch of your business model. |
Bob Malone RJ: Bob Malone CO: Malone Post Rating: 1 + / - Total Posts: 341 Karma: 191 Joined: Apr 17, 2012 |
Posted on Jun 7, 2012 100 % store strategy seems to be still one of the best strategy to start If I trust the networth ranking today.
Balon Swann RJ: Balon Swann CO: Balon Swann Post Rating: 0 + / - Total Posts: 19 Karma: 15 Joined: Apr 12, 2012 |
Posted on Jun 7, 2012 Yeah, I agree Bob... And the problem is that I would otherwise say 'Well, sure, they are making more money right now but I am building up my industrial base early which will pay off in the long run'; but in reality the money they earn now allows them to just instantly build their industrial base up to my level or more whenever they want. Oh well.That is why I was excited about combined plots, I hoped that going full retail would essentially prevent you from any manufacturing. But since that is not the case, I do regret buying a single square meter of factory space. I should have just bought all retail since import retail pays so well... then bought my factories later. |