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Capitalism First Impressions

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john mcgrew
RJ: Cesar Chaves
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It turns out playing the game normally where you manufacture goods and sell them at retail is for chumps. You actually win by purchasing a single boat on the import market for 2 million dollars and selling it for 6 million. Then use that money to buy 2 more boats and do it again until you get enough to start importing the $25 million dollar airplanes.
Brent Goode
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Thank you Cesar. I rest my case on the strategic imbalance of the game. If there are so few "people" that the demand for oranges and shoes is saturated by a few players, how the hell can "they" buy a 6 million dollar boat?

I think we should ALL restart and use that very strategy.

Of course, the idea of "winning" in an open-ended PPOG is for chumps, as the concept has no meaning. But hey, who's paying attention to details anyway...

Speaking of which, love the new graphs. I think.
Richard Ripberger
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Yea, I have been wondering since seeing them on the beta (graphs) when we would get them. Takes some getting used to but overall a plus.
Roald Adriaansen
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I originally started this world with the intent on becoming nr 1. After the 2nd restart however I scrapped that and am now just playing "for fun".
Brent Goode
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I have sold surfboards into 300% demand met and sold 10 in a day. For what little that is worth. He would only need to sell 1 a week to be way the hell ahead in these early days of Cap. Better balance would have dictated a need for some minimum researches, or cash-on-hand or something as prerequisites for goods of that level. Or a minimum "strength of economy" for those to even show up on an import board. Basically, Cesar's strategy is a legal exploit of the system.
Moe Jack
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Lo and behold there's like 1 or 2 people with way more money than everyone else!
Dan Laurence
RJ: Sourpuss
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Yeah but we have $30m not $4m.
Gheed Baiwa ben sandara
RJ: Bob
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The game is extremely challenging for me im really struggling now while in the beta it was "oh i go to the stock market to get some free millions and pump it into my company" a few times a day and success was guaranteed. Now I see my revenue going up by 100k-200k per day but damn that sure feels satisfying :)
Brent Goode
RJ: BB Goode
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Is it just me, or does it seem that infusions of cash from the player should NOT be counted as taxable income?

I am on the verge of capitulation. I have shut down the "side" store to both cut the freaking 5% overhead on it, and converted a less-than-stellar factory that produced lots of low-priced goods to one that produced fewer, but very much higher ticketed, higher margin goods. If this doesn't show results, I will have to restart in one of the high end industries and hope top carve a niche in already densely competitive markets. A quick scan of the product stats shows most products with high demand met. So I am not sure which one. But probably furniture or B2B industrials.

I see the recently televised executions have put Sourpuss on top. Congrats. It is nice to know that the top dog (or cat, in this case) is doing it fairly.
Dan Laurence
RJ: Sourpuss
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you ain't got nothing on me, copper!
Cian Kemp
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I'd advise against furniture. If you look at the numbers more closely, you'll notice that the demand met is low but the average price is also very low - way below import. That industry has producers that are producing and selling cheap products on everything made out of wood. You might do ok if you also get into the manufacturing side of it, but you certainly won't be able to do any import sales. Except maybe on the non-wood items like aquariums and clocks, but those have been staying pretty high on the demand met.

I'd also advise against electronics. I'm seeing more and more competitors entering the market, and it's pretty heavily saturated just with my own 1500m2 of stores.

There's a gaping hole in Sporting Goods right now, although I expect that's due to BallC's absence after his company got dissolved accidentally. When he turns his aircraft business around I imagine he'll be pushing full-force into sports again, so you'd be up for competition after that.

The clothing market has some room too, although both me and Sourone seem to be moving in on it. It's reasonably profitable flipping imports, although I'm starting to see a little bit of competition in some areas from manufacturers selling cheap goods. Might be a good market to get into, but probably up for a lot of competition here too.

I have a feeling hot foods could be profitable if someone got into it, but that's a manufacturer only market. You'd probably be the only one in it for a while though, so if you could find enough support to get things produced (raw meat, oil, spices, etc - right now there is a bit on the market so you might enter some agreements with the current producers to make sure you have a steady supply) you could probably set your prices high and rake in cash for a while - selling beverages on the side until you got your production going. I'm tempted to get into it myself, but I'd have to scrape together about 25-30m cash just to get started (10m for my loan, 10m to start a new company, 5-10m or so to actually get a new company going).
Brent Goode
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I really didn't consider either market seriously for the reasons you just named. But I didn't want to give anyone specific ideas before I made a final decision. But it continues to bring us back to the biggest current problem, I think, with the game...demand formulation. There just isn't any because the basic formula is to small in scope. If there were a broader base demand, there would be options for newbies and players that want to restart. At the moment those are very limited. And the industries that have low priced goods, like farm based, can't keep up with the stringent maintenance costs per square meter without difficulty. Hot foods will be hit with the need to reprocess base food resources as much as twice before retail...more footprint to pay for without a commensurate return. But it is an untouched market, I agree. In fact, we probably wouldn't need to consider a restart as seriously, maybe, if there were a higher demand base. There would be more room to compete to quickly sell volume in the farming quadrants, and we might be able to keep up then.

It was funny to check the auto industry this morning. The other day, any of those demands were a mere 25-50% met. Today they are all over 100%, and some are around 300%. Seems everyone had the same idea. LOL

I also don't see an influx of new players being much help. Half will give up after a few days of frustration, and the rest will be unable to compete, as they cannot build footprints quick enough to do more than help my demand needs, while never being able to compete with my head start, let alone where some of you guys are.

Brent Goode
RJ: BB Goode
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We need some way to view a market before buying goods for it. Being forced to buy a good just to see how it is priced against retail is...funky, let's say. Sounds better than the terms that come to mind first. ;-)
I hate wasting time and money to buy a few of something to find out that the jerk who sold it put it out at 25% above what he sells it for against you retail. It is like government enforced fraud. And I just know our President would never allow that. In fact, ENN is considering a piece on just how much our President would never allow that on his watch.
Jayle Trigger
RJ: Berry Punch
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Looking at spreadsheet numbers and daily expenses, Sweet Apple Acres is making money, even selling Apples on the B2B at such a low and sane price of .88 cents a piece.

I'll be honest though, my store sales of Apples is not enough to keep up maintenance and wages for both the farm and the store. B2B is my life-line for such a low margin item... and its all about volume. Though, I do sell other sanely priced B2B items I manage to snag... that still doesn't come up as enough if you consider expenses.

Probably a bad business decision on my part to go 500 with manufacturing straight from the start.

I'm liking the fact that we don't have big old players capable of buying +million of stuff all at once....
Brent Goode
RJ: BB Goode
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Ball: Yeah, I refer to that quite often now, since finding it on the wiki. I also use the one in the EoSpedia as well. They didn't seem to be up-to-date on pricing, so I just used it for a daily demand referencing, but I have to admit, checking them just now, they are pretty close. There are days when I feel like the dolt Sourpuss thinks I am.
Wish it had its own name, though. Like, CAPopedia.
I haven't seen the Ratjoy front page in a while, is Capitalism listed there, yet?

I have been a Sweet Apple customer, too. If that is you, then you are one of the few that puts out a product that allows the buyer to make any money. Unfortunately, I would have to buy and sell about 100,000/day to get anywhere. I am anxious to see how my next move goes. I am not defeated yet!
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